Caribou Gear Tarp

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Just say when...... hope all is well in your neck of the woods. I am supposed to be in today but have come down with a freakin sickness........ deja vu. Love it when kids bring the flu home from school. Hoping to get in Saturday if I can mend.
Since the season is over (yes its over) its time for the 2019 Unlimitities Awards.

First out Award(not to be confused with shortest hunt): Eyjonas
Shortest hunt: Kad11 New record BTW. 9 hours!
Best tent shot: Recurveman. Rest of you unlimitities could learn something from his picture. Great composition, exposure, just all around a great shot!
best selfie: eyjonas. Usually there is an unusual amount of selfies posted by the unlimitites but not the case this year. I guess that can be expected because EVERYTHING is harder in the unlimited's
best pic not a selfie or tent shot: Gomer. Could of got the same shot at a ski resort looking at snow bunnies but hey no one claimed you have to be smart to hunt the unlimited's
closest to getting a ram: BighornRam. He saw a track! Boo ya! FYI your spot is going to be overrun next year BighornRam
best ram: this isn't a category again this year

Anyone want to pool some money together and buy Bambistew a non resident sheep tag next year? That's the only way a member is going to put a ram down. I can start a GoFundMe if interested...
No awards for killing a sheep?
I think there should be a story that goes along with the pic!!!!!!!

I think it is funny that everyone wants to know where the sheep was killed. I think it was Wayne Gretzky that always said "I good sheep hunter knows where the sheep are. A great sheep hunters knows where the sheep is going to be".......might have took some liberties with the quote but you get the idea. That dead sheep won't be there next year. The question is where is next years sheep going to be harvested?
All this talk from and we still haven't seen your collection of sheep or heard your stories of the adventures you have been on.
I think there should be a story that goes along with the pic!!!!!!!

I think it is funny that everyone wants to know where the sheep was killed. I think it was Wayne Gretzky that always said "I good sheep hunter knows where the sheep are. A great sheep hunters knows where the sheep is going to be".......might have took some liberties with the quote but you get the idea. That dead sheep won't be there next year. The question is where is next years sheep going to be harvested?
There’s always a story, but how or if we choose to share it is a personal choice. I’m selfish I guess, I do it for my own memories and I am content with being the only one who’s seen how everything unfolds. I share some pics of the outcome, but the suffering and the struggle that makes success so rewarding are for me.
There’s always a story, but how or if we choose to share it is a personal choice. I’m selfish I guess, I do it for my own memories and I am content with being the only one who’s seen how everything unfolds. I share some pics of the outcome, but the suffering and the struggle that makes success so rewarding are for me.
Congrats on your accomplishment, that's a hell of a good looking sheep. I can imagine all the highs and lows that probably have flashed through your mind when it all came together. One day hopefully the stars will align and I find myself in the same boat. Until then just keep pressing on. I have met a few guys that have shared the same view as you. Pictures and a short story won't do the hunt or adventure justice. Sometimes experiences are indescribable, this hunt brings the lowest lows and sometimes the highest highs, anger, doubt, trial and error beyond belief and embracing an absolute physical suck while doing it. Anyways congrats again, one day we all hope to be in the club.