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We had a ram that was too close to call. Like 1/2" either way, and broke on one side. We passed him at 60 yards. Never saw another in 3 days that was close. My buddy is in another unit now, but we did leave with a goat, being I had both tags this year.
I wish I lived down that way sometimes. Looks like a lot of fun.

Cool thread.

Nice to see so many guys taking advantage of this unique hunting opportunity. Got a meeting in Bozeman tomorrow, and then while over that way, plan on giving it another go.

If you are where I think, you're in some rough country. Though it does hold sheep in the summer I can't help with where they are now. I know at least 1 person who's taken a Ram on the peak at the top of that big drainage in Round #2. Also, I've been told that if you've found the ewes you're still double digit miles away from the rams. Hope you at least find some up there. Its cool you found some Wolverine tracks. Never seen them myself up there but heard a lot of people say they've laid eyes on them. That weather can change in an instant. Stay safe and Happy Hunting.
The Beartooth gives a whole new meaning to the word steep! I'm thinking a number of bulls die of old age where I was at for obvious reasons. Never actually seen a Wolverine, but would love to run across one someday. Cool animal.
cool pictures. Looks wintery now. I cant wait to get back out. Awesome you were near a wolverine. Curious, did you follow that wolverine track around much and was he up in the rocks or in the timber?
Wolverine was heading up, I was heading down. Crossed his track at about 9200 feet. Timber was starting to thin out in that area at about 9500 feet. Good luck to you, maginnis.
I made it back in very briefly two weekends ago to help a friend retrieve a mountain goat that he harvested.. In the process I spotted a ram. It was borderline legal. Couldn't tell for sure, but if it was, I don't think it would be one I'd be satisfied with. I know any legal ram is a trophy here, but this guys horns were VERY thin.
All the sheep I've seen in the unlimiteds that were not in their beds were at first light. They seem to retreat to the trees as soon as the sun hits. That was the problem with this guy, He was too far and light too low to get a good look at.
Slow year so far for filling quotas. Keep at it guys! I've been doing some archery elk hunting but if its still open in a few weeks, I'll be back.
Another Round

Headed back in for another round in search of the "Ghosts of the Backcountry" looking forward to see what this trip brings. We will have some pictures to follow the trip next week. Hell maybe well even have one of a dead ram! Good luck to anyone else going out.
Good luck Fowl, I love reading about guys doing the unlimited hunts. Maybe one of these years I'll find someone dumb enough to drag me along with haha. If successful you've reached the pinnacle of hunts in my opinion.
Good luck Fowl, I love reading about guys doing the unlimited hunts. Maybe one of these years I'll find someone dumb enough to drag me along with haha. If successful you've reached the pinnacle of hunts in my opinion.

Schaaf, I did a ton of research on this hunt before applying for it, like you I had always wanted to it and read a lot of guys stories on there experiences. After I finally talked myself into it I'm hooked man. These hunts are so much fun and the country your hunting in is nothing short of spectacular! I plan to do this until i am successful maybe not every year because i do love bow hunting elk, but at least every other year that way I can still keep acquiring points and not losing them. Its a riot, a guy told me that with this hunt your either going to fall in love with it or only want to do it once and I am afraid I have come down with the ram sickness! Only cure is told get one now!
Beartooths 2 , JP and Stef 0

Just returned from round 2 no sheep, no sightings, lots of miles and no piles! It was fun though to get up in some new country and learn some new stuff. We went in on Saturday and came out Monday. Did a total of 34 miles, both of us were pretty whipped! Looking to hopefully get out for round 3 before it closes. Good luck to anyone who will be venturing into the Unlimiteds anytime soon! It wouldn't let me upload any photos. says my dimensions are too big. Anyways good luck to all!


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Funky Goat

Trying to attach more photos ....not doing very well i dont know why last post had one? But check this guy out. His horn is growing right down his face, it wasn't floppy or anything. Sorry for the poor picture quality this is from a cell phone through a scope at 800 yards.


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