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Ted Nugent
Fair point; though, I had a customer several decades ago whom I assume no one participating on this forum knows or knew who probably exceeded Nugent's lust for blood and was notorious for that trait. Ted Nugent at least wraps his enthusiasm in a cloak of meat-eater spirituality. When that customer of mine came up as the topic of discussion in conversation with another customer in the firearms and archery shop I owned and operated for a decade beginning in late 1970s, the customer telling of the incident related how "E" virtually lit up at the prospect of getting to put down a horse*.

* Too many years have passed for me to recall if the animal was sick and foundered, or just exceedingly old. Either way, it would not have mattered to "E" who was simply thrilled for the opportunity to do the deed.
I’d be okay with that.

I’m going to archive Shine’s snowshoe ram pic first though.
You honor me sir!

Please send hi-res file of you descending through a snowy burn before it disappears! (That is among the most memorable of all the images I have enjoyed on this formidable thread, both the pixel variety and the poetic!)
Or we could try to get unlimited areas opened in CO, ID, NV, and NM, all opening Sept 15th as well, to spread out the pressure since the demand is clearly growing.
That is much more in line with what I had hoped the thread might inspire. I might be about the oldest fart participating here, but I sometimes suspect that I am the most naive despite my distrust of government and bureaucrats. Am trending maudlin and senile probaly. Oh well, at least I ain't rambling on about kids rubbing the hair on my legs!
I got myself in a sketchy spot a few years ago and posted about it here. Took a few years off and have been back at it again last year and this year. I found a sublegal ram in 5 days of hunting last year. Hunted 6 days this year and saw 2 mountain goats.
I remember how that misadventure rattled kad11--was happy to see him get back on the horse.

I'm still rooting hard for several who have hunted dilligently to take their first ram! Never met one of you in person, but consider most of the regulars here to be my friends, even that one guy who shat-up the trail and leaves inspirational messages scrawled in snow.

I would really miss the people who participate in this thread. Personally, I hope you all don't delete the thread or your individual content contributions. I am still naive or optimistic enough to think that the quality of people revealed and the experiences related in this thread might eventually influence game departments to institute similar programs elsewhere. (If tag sales alone are insufficient motivation!)

To any who don't see it the same way: good hunting in the future. It's been sweet sharing the fire!
Wait…. A bunch of dudes post 8 years worth of hunts/pictures/talk on a public forum and are now upset that everyone is reading them and want them deleted ?🤯🤣

I’m going to start a thread on my favorite super secret elk spot, hopefully no one reads it…

Someone has already saved the entire thread and will be available for the low price of $100 shortly after deleted… welcome to the commercialization of hunting…
Alright so here’s the deal. He is my lucky cat. Ever since I got him my hunting success has skyrocketed. I take him with me everywhere I go. For example this year I packed him in with me on the unlimiteds. He grew up on a sheep ranch so he has a sixth sense when it comes to finding sheep. He is also really feisty so he serves as grizzly protection. He is the only thing I have going that gives me a slight edge against all the hardos to get one of those old pricks. But now you have screwed me with your question so this thread really needs to be deleted and quick.
Herding Cats animated gif

The final secret has been unlocked! LET'S RIDE!
Meow meow meow meow - meow meow meow meow... Thats too bad the units are being overrun and getting trashed. I know the odds of actually getting in there and killing a curly meow without spending a ton of time getting to know the country, is extremely low. It's a very, very hard hunt. I doubt Randy will shut down the thread as he does a lot of tutorials on how to go on hunts... and now its a cat thread lol. Meow.

I had the honor of being invited by my roommate in college, on a billy meow and curly meow hunt, many meows ago in one of the unlimeowteds. Had no clue how fortunate I was at the time to be invited on such an adventure. I went merely as a pack animal, with no intention of hunting, purely in for the experience. This was before I started seriously backpack hunting and was my first backpack hunt in my mid 20s. I was thin but not in mountain shape at all.

To say I got my @$$ kicked is an understatement. Guides and hunters on horses were the only people we saw on the trail as we pushed deep into the wilderness on foot, laughing at us as they rode by. Arriving late to camp due to me being out of shape, we setup a tent and got ready for opening morning. My roommate introduced me to 2 guys who had been in there for days before us scouting. Ended up becoming friends with them later on. Great people.

Due to the guys in there scouting, we got the billy meow opening day. A b&c meow to boot. Eating billy meow on the mtn was delicious - smelled like it going in and coming out lol. Will never eat it again unless I shoot it.

The next 5 days we looked for a curly meow - think about that - 2 guys for over a week who know the area, and 2 more guys glassing for 5 of those days too, no curly meows spotted - not easy. Im not surprised I saw nothing given the quality of my glass, and the vast country we were in. Last day the curly meow hunter spotted one and made an incredible push to get it. Dropping thousands of feet off a mountain and climbing thousands back up cliffs and scree to even get close. Out of water and patiently waiting until the end of the day, he got the curly meow. We still had to pack it all out too.

Having firsthand knowledge of the area now, when I have the proper gear, Im in decent shape, I have the time and money to even attempt this hunt again, would I go? No plans, not even in the far future. I know the odds are so stacked against me and I dont have the time to scout in there. Even if I had horses I wouldnt go. Going in blind, despite what I know, doesnt mean Id even see a curly meow let alone kill one. It would take pure luck, and theres plenty of other hunts for that, just not for curly meow. By the time I have time to scout in my later years, maybe Id consider it? Or just save up n pay for the Alaska experience of a white curly meow hunt. Maybe raffle tickets at a wild meow foundation dinner?

I get that more people are trying the hunt, but at least commend them for trying cause they are crazy for doing it, especially on foot. Just hope they respect the wilderness and dont try to profit off it. Their odds of success are beyond extremely low. Theres outfitters in there selling the hunt to guys who can afford it but are incapable of the hunt otherwise - that should rub you the wrong way more than regular Joe with a pipe dream.

Unlimeowted dream with a harsh limited reality, thats the truth. Meow.
I see both sides, I became a member of this forum because of this post and have read every page and I have gained some knowledge and excitement to hunt this hunt in the future, so I can see why there is an interest in closing it down and deleting it. On the other hand I look forward to seeing new post on here and reading them, there are some great photos and some cool experience shared on here and I hope to one day add to that but understand regardless of success I shouldn’t. I one day will go on this hunt but have been busy with other sheep opportunity’s as well as looking for a certain partner to go into the UL with which I’m coming to the conclusion to find someone as dedicated as I want to be to even enter one of these units is about as difficult as actually finding a legal ram.
In other news, the 2nd cat that was taken in three oh three sounds like a real dandy if the pic I saw is indeed that cat. Makes the lambington twine kitten from a few years ago look like it was from Wild Horse Island.

Tough year on the nursery
That cat is indeed that cat. And now it says 3 so maybe another kitten or maybe a big ol’ Tom cat. Who knows
Two of the three in three oh three are kittens. Haven't heard any info on the third. The pictures from the first two are....special....One for sure should be confiscated. Unless they used a bent piece of wire to check for legality...

Maybe three oh three needs to change from 'any portion' to 'center' of the cat's eye.....?
Two of the three in three oh three are kittens. Haven't heard any info on the third. The pictures from the first two are....special....One for sure should be confiscated. Unless they used a bent piece of wire to check for legality...

Maybe three oh three needs to change from 'any portion' to 'center' of the cat's eye.....?
Wtf are people continuing to shoot kittens? Let me be clear a mature unlimited ram is a true trophy. Want to shoot kittens? Get a damn ewe tag in the breaks.

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