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That's like a thing?

I thought when you got a slam it was just something you talked about... like oh I shot a big elk or oh I've killed all the turkey subspecies...

Someone keeps track?
You need to get out more. Sheep hunters are the most narcissistic hunters on the planet. I'd bet you that the vast majority of guys who've done it have the gay plaque hanging next to the mounts, and 100% chance there is a picture of them with said rams in a colage. Probably a belt buckle, and a set of tumblers as well that get used for special occasions.
You need to get out more. Sheep hunters are the most narcissistic hunters on the planet. I'd bet you that the vast majority of guys who've done it have the gay plaque hanging next to the mounts, and 100% chance there is a picture of them with said rams in a colage. Probably a belt buckle, and a set of tumblers as well that get used for special occasions.
Who gives out the numbers? and plaques?

In case others want to file a formal violation report.
They will assign the case to the crew of guys who had a regular old deadhead ram in a closet for over a year, oh that’s a world record and people are asking questions about it…maybe we should dig it out in a few months.
Pretty sure he'd never hunted sheep before assuming the helm.
I think this is true, however, I hesitate to be too harsh on him. He actually has done great things for WSF and made WSF what it is today.

You don't need to be a great sheep hunter to be a great business leader and fund raiser.
They will assign the case to the crew of guys who had a regular old deadhead ram in a closet for over a year, oh that’s a world record and people are asking questions about it…maybe we should dig it out in a few months.
They'll probably assign it to the same officer that plugged the ram after his thorough "looks legal to me" inspection. :(

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