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Why would you be surprised it ran in the wealthy sheephunter foundation magazine? There is no backpedaling on this without a lot of egg on many faces at this point.

I find this more ironic coming from WSF... pimping Duckworth logo gear sourced from a location that directly displaces wild sheep in SW Montana. Hahaha. You can't make this up. I see they pulled it from their store, it was there a month ago, and the internet remembers.

Either I’m blind (eye tests say otherwise) or these assholes are mocking us, knowing that they’re untouchable because their ram is plugged and they’re too connected to get it taken away. That’s 100% a sub legal ram, without question.

A famous writer like this guy probably doesn’t need writing tips from me, but if you have to write a story to justify how you came to the decision to shoot some dink, 1) perhaps you shouldn’t have shot the dink 2) perhaps a magazine read by people that for the most part don’t think that killing lambs is sound conservation, is not the right audience.

Lots of good cooking mags out there. A wild, spring lamb recipe would be an instant hit.
Won’t let me give more that one thumbs up.
Either I’m blind (eye tests say otherwise) or these assholes are mocking us, knowing that they’re untouchable because their ram is plugged and they’re too connected to get it taken away. That’s 100% a sub legal ram, without question.

A famous writer like this guy probably doesn’t need writing tips from me, but if you have to write a story to justify how you came to the decision to shoot some dink, 1) perhaps you shouldn’t have shot the dink 2) perhaps a magazine read by people that for the most part don’t think that killing lambs is sound conservation, is not the right audience.

Lots of good cooking mags out there. A wild, spring lamb recipe would be an instant hit.
One of the sad things about that ram is if I was the one that shot it since Im a nobody id prob be fined and it confiscated
I mentioned earlier in the discussion of this animal--I won't use the R-word--that, to me, the more troubling matter is that it was accepted as legal and plugged. If I were a bleeding leftist, I might consider "doxing" the bureaucrat who passed it.
I don't know about doxxing anyone, but I would legitimately like to see some accountability. Who from FWP was there? Were any phone calls made to superiors? They're public servants--we're entitled to know these things.
I also wondered this. Who decided this is a legal lamb? Does this set a new precedent for what others have to kill now? I wouldn't consider it a trophy. I'd consider it an embarrassment to the guide, shooter, and FWP for plugging it (along with anyone else who was on the mountain at the time and let her shoot).
Do the FWP bios take profile pictures of the rams when they plug them? It would be interesting to see the FWP pics/data of the Boddington ram.
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