Serious inquiry regarding the Unlimited Sheep:
How much interest or support is there to have a sub-chapter of sorts of the WSF solely focused on promoting Unlimited style sheep hunting?
This thread, if nothing else, highlights the multitudes of people out there that hold the ULs in high regard, whether they participate in the hunt or not. I know within my group of friends, the Montana Wild Sheep Foundation Banquet seems to be the place where a small group of us can run into each other and discuss the unique issues that face the ULs, versus the limited draw hunts. There are numerous guys on here that have the passion and a few connections to maybe make something of it.
It's not that the Unlimited Sheep hunts don't benefit from the hard work and efforts of the WSF, but that they face issues that limited hunts don't. I look at HB202- A well intentioned bill to make MSG in Montana a Once-In-A-Lifetime opportunity that failed this past spring. While this seems great for limited draw hunts, it could seriously impact the Unlimiteds. Anyone here who doesn't think that removing opportunity for those most passionate about these hunts and locations would negatively impact the whole system in a multitude of ways is short sighted, IMO. Sheep hunting in the United States has become the past time for the wealthy more than any other species I can think of. Go to a banquet, and the vast majority of people are either waiting to get their one opportunity in a draw, have had their one opportunity, or they are financially in a place where they can go year in and out. Nothing like an RMEF, DU, or PF banquet where most everyone is on "equal" footing. The Unlimited Hunts go in the face of this, and as such, have gained the reverence that they have.
However, I fear that we are one legislative change, or even one retirement away, from having this very thing fade away. We can see the writing on the wall, locally at least, that hunting and species management decisions have become political. Without a unified and active voice to advocate for what we all see as an incredible gift, we may very well lose "this" to a decision made in marble and mahogany halls instead of the rocky crags of the Beartooths.
I think a local chapter within the MTWSF is possibly a start, but I would much rather see a national subchapter of the WSF. That way the influence and advocacy could potentially be used to promote this style of hunt in other locations outside of Montana.
I don't know where to start with this, and am by no means someone with the voice to take this baton to the finish line. But I know there's a grassroots community out there of our members, as well as those without the online footprint of HT, that I would fully support in this endeavor.
I don't need responses to this posed question- but I guess I would ask that you each consider what the ULs mean to you and get involved in some manner to ensure that in the meantime, we have a voice.
How much interest or support is there to have a sub-chapter of sorts of the WSF solely focused on promoting Unlimited style sheep hunting?
This thread, if nothing else, highlights the multitudes of people out there that hold the ULs in high regard, whether they participate in the hunt or not. I know within my group of friends, the Montana Wild Sheep Foundation Banquet seems to be the place where a small group of us can run into each other and discuss the unique issues that face the ULs, versus the limited draw hunts. There are numerous guys on here that have the passion and a few connections to maybe make something of it.
It's not that the Unlimited Sheep hunts don't benefit from the hard work and efforts of the WSF, but that they face issues that limited hunts don't. I look at HB202- A well intentioned bill to make MSG in Montana a Once-In-A-Lifetime opportunity that failed this past spring. While this seems great for limited draw hunts, it could seriously impact the Unlimiteds. Anyone here who doesn't think that removing opportunity for those most passionate about these hunts and locations would negatively impact the whole system in a multitude of ways is short sighted, IMO. Sheep hunting in the United States has become the past time for the wealthy more than any other species I can think of. Go to a banquet, and the vast majority of people are either waiting to get their one opportunity in a draw, have had their one opportunity, or they are financially in a place where they can go year in and out. Nothing like an RMEF, DU, or PF banquet where most everyone is on "equal" footing. The Unlimited Hunts go in the face of this, and as such, have gained the reverence that they have.
However, I fear that we are one legislative change, or even one retirement away, from having this very thing fade away. We can see the writing on the wall, locally at least, that hunting and species management decisions have become political. Without a unified and active voice to advocate for what we all see as an incredible gift, we may very well lose "this" to a decision made in marble and mahogany halls instead of the rocky crags of the Beartooths.
I think a local chapter within the MTWSF is possibly a start, but I would much rather see a national subchapter of the WSF. That way the influence and advocacy could potentially be used to promote this style of hunt in other locations outside of Montana.
I don't know where to start with this, and am by no means someone with the voice to take this baton to the finish line. But I know there's a grassroots community out there of our members, as well as those without the online footprint of HT, that I would fully support in this endeavor.
I don't need responses to this posed question- but I guess I would ask that you each consider what the ULs mean to you and get involved in some manner to ensure that in the meantime, we have a voice.