
goHUNT EXPLORER Map Membership offer to Hunt Talkers

Maybe this has already been asked but I didn't see it so here it goes. I am debating switching from OnX but am not up for the task of sales pitching all my hunting buddies to switch or put myself out of the loop as far as sharing waypoints, tracks and other items. Can this be done in both directions without jumping through a bunch of hoops?
You cannot trade waypoints from say onX to GOHUNT users, what you can do is copy paste lat and long from one user to the next, and save your own waypoint and details.
what is the best way to get to your hunting spots. I have several location I want to check out but I am having a hard time locating them on apple maps so that i can drive as close as possible if that makes any since.
what is the best way to get to your hunting spots. I have several location I want to check out but I am having a hard time locating them on apple maps so that i can drive as close as possible if that makes any since.
pull the GPS coordinates and paste in Google maps. Should get you close.
Is anyone else having trouble viewing your pins on the gohunt desktop version? They appear on my phone but not on the computer. If I click on my favorite pins they take me to the location but the actual pin is not there. I've tried logging out and a different browser without luck.
Is anyone else having trouble viewing your pins on the gohunt desktop version? They appear on my phone but not on the computer. If I click on my favorite pins they take me to the location but the actual pin is not there. I've tried logging out and a different browser without luck.
Hey everyone, sorry I have been MIA for a bit, things got busy this past winter!

Henry22, check to see if your waypoints are indeed turned on to be visible. After deploying some changes, we had an issue recently that was setting everyone's desktop data to be turned off by default.

Thank you!
Just a note on Maps, if you're looking to try GoHunt Explorer, this is the time to buy. It's $50 per year, but if you sign up this wkend, GoHunt is giving 50 points in the store with promo code RANDY, which basically makes it even steven, as 50 points equals $50 off whatever gear purchase is next on your list.

And if you want to just do the whole shebang, GoHunt Insider is $150 a year, but just this wkend, you'll get 100 points towards the gear shop with the promo code. Which puts it at just $50 for the year if you're planning on buying any sort of gear that adds up to $100.

Plus, they have a MASSIVE sale going on:
Hey everyone, sorry I have been MIA for a bit, things got busy this past winter!

Henry22, check to see if your waypoints are indeed turned on to be visible. After deploying some changes, we had an issue recently that was setting everyone's desktop data to be turned off by default.

Thank you!
Any plans to bring back the Explorer membership? In 2022 I had both GoHunt and OnX and decided to stick with OnX as the trail slope layer was not available on GoHunt at that time. However, I thought GoHunt was smoother both on desktop and my iPhone and appreciated the ease of moving my data from OnX to GoHunt.

My OnX subscription will renew in October so thought I'd see what's changed with GoHunt and was pumped to see you all have the trail slope layer now. However when I went to resubscribe to GoHunt I soon realized $150/year is the only subscription option.

I read the article linked below and I do not quite follow the company's logic. I pretty much only hunt Montana, where I reside, and I would say there are more hunters that use these apps for solely their home-state such as myself than there are the group of hunters applying all over the US (maybe I'm wrong!). Even at $50 for the explorer membership this was quite a bit more than OnX but is nice to see bordering state maps sometimes in areas I've hunted and having all 50 states seemed like more than enough value to justify the extra expense. Now it's $150/year with a bunch of bells and whistles I will never use or nothing for GoHunt vs. $34.99 for OnX?

Maybe I'm an oddball and not seeing the bigger picture and incorrect, but this accurately describes probably ~20 or so of my friends/acquaintances. I have 2-3 friends that would benefit from GoHunt.
