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Go Vote!

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Hopefully this election day here in the Bitterroot will bring an end to a not so good past 4 years.
Voting on Election Day is for procrastinators and people with sticker fetishes. I can't believe how many people refuse to do mail in ballots or early voting.

Granted, they are still way better than the lazy pukes that won't vote at all.
Voting on Election Day is for procrastinators and people with sticker fetishes. I can't believe how many people refuse to do mail in ballots or early voting.

Granted, they are still way better than the lazy pukes that won't vote at all.

Maybe the lazy pukes shouldn't get a voice if they won't take the energy to vote?

Seems to me not voting, much like stupidity, is its own punishment.
Voting on Election Day is for procrastinators and people with sticker fetishes. I can't believe how many people refuse to do mail in ballots or early voting.

Granted, they are still way better than the lazy pukes that won't vote at all.

I generally like to vote on the day. There's something pretty cool about heading down to the polling place and casting your vote surrounded by your neighbors and the election judges. It's always felt like "America" to me.

Too each their own. :)
I agree with Ben, makes me proud to walk into the polling place with your friends and neighbors working the polls there.
I am, however, greatful that people are able to vote absentee to make sure that their voice is heard!

Weather was semi-nice this morning so walked to our polling place. Several neighbors stopped to see if we wanted a ride. Voted and we caught a ride and we all went for coffee and talked about everything BUT
politics. Good day.
Because I am a state employee who couldn't "make it in the real world", I had the day off.

So I went hunting this morning.

The tops of mountains buried in clouds looked like islands, and as the sun burned off the clouds the islands became peninsulas and eventually joined once again with our continent as the imaginary water receded. Beautiful morning.

The elk wouldn't cooperate, but some of the mule deer I saw were exhibiting rutting behavior.

Went and voted afterward with my wife.


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Looks like the elections show that those in favor of state land take over won! Will the rank and file sportsman come out in support of public lands? If past history repeats itself it will be a sad day for the future of hunting as we know it.
Glad to see it will now be ex-sen udall speaking at future bha events. Hoping it will be ex-gov hickenlooper following.

The Rendezvous is in Spokane this year, it's likely we'll try and get some representatives from WA or ID. It's March 6 to 8th...Spokane is lovely in late winter.

No real surprises yesterday, typical 6th year election. Disappointing to lose Hagen and Udall who were friends of sportsman.

Nice to see the HSUS get beat in Maine again, though they won in MI.
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