Gilchrist/Minutemen are Clueless....

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Hey Cheese,

Try to follow along the topic. It is about a clueless Gilchrist and his comments on Condi, or alternatively, why CJ is smarter and should be the leader of the Minutemaids and their 200 man White Trash March.

This has nothing to do with that one time, 3 years ago, when you actually worked for 3 days.....
Jose (too scared to give out a real name) Cuervo,

"Communists are a non-factor?" Hello, anybody home??? Maybe the Tequliia has already killed off the brain cells. Ever heard of China? You know the one who has tons of missles pointed at our troops, the ones who shot down one of our spy planes, the one who is threatening us if we help Twain, the one is is soon to be the world leading economic power??? Maybe you were sleeping off one of those hangovers in high school when the teacher talked about China being a communist country.

Does Condi speak Russian??

"the one who is threatening us if we help Twain,"

Mark Twain is dead. Why would they threaten us over a dead guy?

Wasn't Condi a big shot at Stanford? Hmmmmmmm.........
BHR- I know Condi was a big shot for the oil industry...hmmmmm.

AHWC- You don't mean Shania Twain (Canadian) do you, she is still alive. I don't think we need to protect her...but probably wouldn't mind doing so....China must just be jealous!
az hunters who care said:
Jose (too scared to give out a real name) Cuervo,

"Communists are a non-factor?" Hello, anybody home??? Maybe the Tequliia has already killed off the brain cells. Ever heard of China? You know the one who has tons of missles pointed at our troops, the ones who shot down one of our spy planes, the one who is threatening us if we help Twain, the one is is soon to be the world leading economic power??? Maybe you were sleeping off one of those hangovers in high school when the teacher talked about China being a communist country.

Does Condi speak Russian??

For your information, Twain was not a real person, but a pen name for Samuel Clemens. In either case, he is dead, and as much as he worried about reports of his death being exaggerated, he is, in fact, dead.

But no, I don't remember learning too much about China in my high school classes, and what I would have learned would be seriously updated. Tianamin Square pretty much changed China. If you don't remember that, maybe you should spend some time sobering up.

And when was the last time you were in China? I was there last week, and I can tell you that since Condi was there at the same time, her and I both probably know way more about China and their current state of affairs than some inbred in Arizona.

So, should we take all your rambling to be your agreement with Gillless that Condi is a Communist, or do you think he is clueless?
Sorry guys, I was having a "Cuervo" day and made a typo.... Taiwan was my intention not the sexy ex-wildland firefighter from Canada(twain). Anyway I think ole Samuel Clemmons would have changed his great tale if he were still alive and Huck Fin and Mark Twain would have had a ton more fun floating down the Rio Grand than the Mississippi.

Anyways, Does Condi Speak Russian? hmmmmm?
Hey Cheese,

Try to follow along the topic. It is about a clueless Gilchrist and his comments on Condi, or alternatively, why CJ is smarter and should be the leader of the Minutemaids and their 200 man White Trash March

For your information, Twain was not a real person, but a pen name for Samuel Clemens. In either case, he is dead, and as much as he worried about reports of his death being exaggerated, he is, in fact, dead.

But no, I don't remember learning too much about China in my high school classes, and what I would have learned would be seriously updated. Tianamin Square pretty much changed China. If you don't remember that, maybe you should spend some time sobering up.

And when was the last time you were in China? I was there last weekQUOTE]

And I would say the same for you gunner... ;)

What a friggin joke the 200 Man White Trash March on the Dessert is. Look at what the leader says about Condi Rice. He calls her a Communist???

Gilchrist pointed to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as symbolic of the government’s failure.

Rice is said to have told Mexican officials that the Minutemen are “vigilantes” whose “illegal” activities will not be “tolerated.”

“And then finally, I think it's well known that the United States has a federal system, but obviously the United States Government would not condone any extralegal means to deal with immigration issues. That should be dealt with by immigration officials and we work very closely with our Mexican counterparts. We try and make sure that our borders are safe and secure as possible and that it is very important that the laws of the United States be respected.”]

Gilchrist said,
“What else is left for us to do but to peacefully assemble to show our strong resentment for being abandoned by Washington? I used to have respect and admiration for Rice. But now she is on my list as a reactionary and a Communist. Rice is not loyal to the U.S.”

No mention of China....
or Samuel Clemens

why CJ is smarter and should be the leader of the Minutemaids and their 200 man White Trash March
and this isn't in your opening topic either...
Come on now... Lets not be a hypocrite,
If you don't remember that, maybe you should spend some time sobering up.
Nor some ones memory or your trip to China... ;)

what a classic response from someone who would flee to canada if the draft were reinstated..


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JoseCuervo said:
Can we get a translator in here??? Cheese is posting again, and once again, he doesn't have a coherent thought.....

If your head wasnt so far up your ass looking for cheese maybe you could stay on topic too. |oo
Can we get a translator in here??? Cheese is posting again, and once again, he doesn't have a coherent thought.....

And again you wander off your own topic... :rolleyes:

Try to follow along the topic. It is about a clueless Gilchrist and his comments on Condi, or alternatively, why CJ is smarter and should be the leader of the Minutemaids and their 200 man White Trash March

and again I will mention that here is your topic from your own post, and not one thing to do with any thing from your original starter post....
So again, don't be a hipocrite, if you want others to stick to topic, you yourself must do the same thing... ;)
C'mon Cheese,

See if you can respond to the topic, don't just waste our time with your incoherent thoughts. I am betting you can't craft an intelligent response, but I will let you prove me wrong.

Do YOU think Condi is a Communist or do you think Gilchrist is clueless? And if Gilcrist is clueless, would you support CJ to replace him?
My opinions are my own and I don't have many on this one...

But I would mention to you that you are still being a hipocrite and stepping away from your own topic....

Stick to the topic...

See if you can respond to the topic, don't just waste our time with your incoherent thoughts. I am betting you can't craft an intelligent response, but I will let you prove me wrong.
And this is not it....
until you answer my questions, I owe you nothing.... :)
Just as I thought, you can't understand the topic, and can't formulate an intelligent opinion on Gilchrist's comments or Condi's political leanings. You truely are clueless.
JoseCuervo said:
Just as I thought, you can't understand the topic, and can't formulate an intelligent opinion on Gilchrist's comments or Condi's political leanings. You truely are clueless.

WHO FU**ING Cares?

By the way you come off it sounds to me that you were one of thoose dorks in school who got there head flushed in the toilets and your milk money stolen from you ? hump

All you do is change your user name every week or so like a assclown and shoot off at the mouth like a spoiled 8 year old DORK.


If you have something useful or educational post it, but leave the bs out of it.

If you don't care, then don't bother posting in the thread, or even better, save yourself the trouble of reading something you don't understand.

But, keeping on topic, do you think Gilchrist is clueless or do you agree that Condi is a communist?
Sagehen ,
Yes , 2 fat assed ATV riders can do more damage than 10,000 illegals on foot .

Gunner ,
Keeping on topic , did you get your head flushed in the toilet and your milk money stolen ?

No, and to keep on topic, do you think Gilchrist is clueless or do you agree that Condi is a communist?

We'll see if you can answer the question, or if you get lumped into such illustrious company as Cheese, Larry, and other clueless individuals.
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