Gilchrist/Minutemen are Clueless....

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Hangar18 said:
Not going on my looney tune list, I support what they are doing. But he lost some credibility with me if he did in fact make that statement. Dude, just shut-up and go about doing this the right way.

At least Hangar understands....
cjcj said:
The guy makes a strong statement and now he is a quack or loony tunes "get real". I happen to like Rice quite a bit but she is WRONG to take the side of Vincente Fox. FLAT OUT WRONG!!!. Jim Gilchrist is a very patriotic American.

While i do not agree with Gilchrist and his Commie statement.[ he has his right to his opinion].. i`m surprised that you guys don`t agree with him, as you normaly look for any opportunity to rip RICE/BUSH/or any republican when you get a chance.

Do you think Gilchrist even knows what a Communist is? Or do you think he just spouts off with what ever inflammatory statement he can come up with? I may not agree with Rice, but she is not a Communist, at least by anything I have ever read FROM her or about her.

If you had "grown a big set", you would tell Gilchrist to shut up and you would take over the Minutemen. You can't tell me that you are not brighter than Gilchrist and would not make a better leader. Time for CJ to "put up" and "step up" and lead the Minutemen and end the Commie comments, marches on "Sundaes".....
Hey he was wrong to make that statement[ communist].... but i am just a member of this group... he also called the gangs m-13 loud mouth punks.... He formed and started the minuteman project, its his baby,he can say or do what he wants. like i said 99% of what he stands for is correct...I am not even in the ballpark when it comes to his skills as an organizer and his firsthand knowledge of border issues. he has the skills and is much smarter than me. plus he is more dedicated than i could ever be.. i`m down for 3-5 days and this guy and others /Simcox/Hanna will spend 30 days down there on the border.. i`ll spend $500 for a few days think how much they will spend.... Have any home invasions in your own private Idaho lately? how about any drop houses?... it`s an everyday thing down here so you just wouldn`t understand. Jim Gilchrist has put himself on the line....And i will support him. You should think about doing the same. :)

I agree with Jose Cuervo, take this thing over and run that wing-nut south with the illegals.

Dont drink the kool-aid he's providing...
Buzz and gunner....
I have brought it up that either of you should run for president......
You both have the answers for every thing and every one else is wrong....
So why is in neither of you have thrown your hat in the ring?
Could it be it is easier to sit and do what it is you do instead of standing up and taking it to where it "Really" counts, and that is not here on this board. I would state at least CJ spends as much time as he can at the real thing, I am guessing that is 2-3 days a week more than the both of you guys put together... ;) :)
Hey cheese,

Beings how you dont work but 3 days a year, why dont you do something other than run your mouth on this board????

19,580 posts????

You're a real piece of American productivity... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Gilchrist has to be more careful about making looney tune statements like calling Rice a commie. He's going to attract enough wackos as it is-------no sense attracting any more than he has too. Those are the ones that are going to be causing trouble for him down the road when some of them decide to shoot it out with the coyotes.

I can easily understand why the gummint agencies are nervous about the Minutemen. It's going to be a volatile situation. I expect there will be trouble.
True Ithaca... I say good deal let them get nervous[ government] they have sat on their politically correct asses long enough! Time to see where they stand, are they really concerned about "homeland security" or are they just overpaid Hot Air Bags? Do they work for us [US citizens] or foreign interests? Who`s side are they on the drug smugglers, the illegal invaders? as far as i can see the minuteman project is already a success from a publicity standpoint... I hope there isn`t any trouble but if there is it will not come from the minutemen... it will be started by outside interests who are nervous that their BIG MONEY PIPELINE will get a crimp in it..... Hopefully this will expose the border problems to all of America. Yes its sad that the "wacko`s' have come out ...the minutemen have already kicked out a few racist assholes....we are watching each other very closely to make sure everything is on the up and up.
Armed Volunteers Plan to Patrol Border

Wed Mar 30, 4:14 PM ET U.S. National - AP

By ARTHUR H. ROTSTEIN, Associated Press Writer

TOMBSTONE, Ariz. - Hundreds of volunteers, some of them armed, are expected to take up positions along the Mexican border Friday and begin patrolling for illegal immigrants — an exercise some fear could attract racist crackpots and lead to vigilante violence.

Organizers of the Minuteman Project said the civilian volunteers, many of whom were recruited over the Internet, will meet first for a rally in this one-time silver mining town, then fan out across 23 miles of the San Pedro Valley to watch the border for a month and report sightings of illegal activity to Border Patrol agents.

Minuteman field operations director Chris Simcox described the project as "the nation's largest neighborhood watch group" and said one of the goals is to make the public aware of how porous the border is.

Jim Gilchrist, a retired accountant from Aliso Viejo, Calif., who organized the project, said that some volunteers will carry handguns, which is allowed under Arizona law, but are being instructed to avoid confrontation, even if shot at.

Still, law enforcement officials and human rights advocates are worried about the potential for bloodshed.

Critics contend the project may attract anti-immigrant racists and vigilantes looking to confront illegal immigrants. At least one white supremacist group has mentioned the project on its Web site.

"They are domestic terrorists that represent a danger to the country and could promote a major border conflict that will have serious ramifications and consequences," said Armando Navarro, a University of California-Riverside political science professor and coordinator of the National Alliance for Human Rights, made up mostly of Hispanic activists.

Michael Nicley, chief of the U.S. Border Patrol's Tucson sector, said the volunteers are "not the kind of help the Border Patrol is asking for."

Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever said he fears immigrant smugglers might open fire on the volunteers.

"I wouldn't anticipate that people of that persuasion would act or react any differently to anybody, citizen or law enforcement alike, if they were confronted and felt like their cargo was in jeopardy," he said.

The project's organizers gave assurances the volunteers will be closely monitored. "If it gets to a situation where someone's life is in danger," said David Helppler, Minuteman security coordinator, "I will end the project."

Project organizers said they expect 800 to 1,000 volunteers. How many might actually show is unclear; similar efforts in the past few years flopped. One of them drew only about a half-dozen people.

On Wednesday, the Homeland Security Department announced that it is assigning 534 additional agents to the porous Arizona border to help keep out potential terrorists and illegal immigrants.

The 370-mile Arizona border is considered the most vulnerable stretch of the 2,000-mile southern border. Of the 1.1 million illegal immigrants caught by the Border Patrol last year, 51 percent crossed into the country at the Arizona border.

Some people in this town nearly 30 miles north of the Mexican border, best known as the site of the 1881 shootout at the OK Corral, are eagerly awaiting the volunteers' arrival.

Tombstone Mayor Andree De Journett thinks of the volunteers as tourists and said they could boost the local economy.

"I've met five or six of them, they haven't been too bad so far," he said, estimating that 500 extra visitors staying for a month could spend $10,000 or more locally per day.

Marilynn Slade, Tombstone's city clerk, said the more attention drawn to illegal immigration, the better.

"The vast majority of the people feel that the feds should be dealing more aggressively with the problem," she said. "There's a huge, huge cry down here."

Well, true alot immagrents illegals really stirrin chit up and dang gov dont do hting i agree at all all gov can do is argue et chit go wild and roll in money why all this diff types people go wild ruin it make speople predijuice not me but times i feel like it:), anyway this good post i need know i like learn:D
"They are domestic terrorists that represent a danger to the country and could promote a major border conflict that will have serious ramifications and consequences," said Armando Navarro, a University of California-Riverside political science professor and coordinator of the National Alliance for Human Rights, made up mostly of Hispanic activists.
now this is some I really care about what he is saying, strike 1 he is from CA, strike 2 he is from the University of California, Strike 3 he's a coordinator of the National Alliance for Human Rights, made up mostly of Hispanic activists.

Michael Nicley, chief of the U.S. Border Patrol's Tucson sector, said the volunteers are "not the kind of help the Border Patrol is asking for."
They may not be asking for them but the people of AZ are. Since they dont have enough people to patrol the whole area they are going to get some help ( wether they like it or not)

Critics contend the project may attract anti-immigrant racists and vigilantes looking to confront illegal immigrants. At least one white supremacist group has mentioned the project on its Web site.
No matter what someone does there will be always critics.

its funny how they can be critics maybe its because they dont have 1000's of illegals running through there back yard, and leaving trash all over there streets.

Its also funny how nothing is mentioned that inocent hunters and people are getting killed via boarder jumpers, its to the point where you cant go out into the desert for fear of running into illegals or drug smugglers.

Weve had 3 killings since oct down in that area of hunters, not to mention a few border patrol agents shot and killed.

I am looking for the story but it was posted( on another board) that they are going to close the national forrest down in that area due to its to dangerous to be hunting hiking or fishing.
Might as well hand that section over to mexico since we wont be able to use it.
Here is just a small sample of the border area.
Nice Honest responce... Delw/Az402. hump ....I must be deaf because i can`t hear the thousands of "Screaming Enviromentalists" YOOO HOOO where are you? Wake Up Enviro`s they are destroying sensitive habitat!!! hmmm still can`t hear them. :confused: :confused: |oo
Nice try changing the subject, but the topic is the lack of clue by Gilchrist. Do you think Condi is a communist, or do you think Gilchrist is clueless?

You really think Gilchrist is smarter than you??? He's an idiot, as evidenced by his comments on Condi. You aren't that stupid are you? I think you should have a Coup and supplant him as the leader of the Minutemaids....
Wasn't trying to change the subject tough guy. Just letting you know what it looks like down there. Condi a commie? no, Gilchrist clueless? probably not, a little bit of an alarmist? maybe. Would I rather have a 200 whitetrash man march down there versus a few thousand illegals trashing my own private Arizona? Yes.
Stan, Funny thing is, that guy standing there in the mound of trash left by illegals, our President thinks he is a Vigalante.

Gilcrest clueless?? Definatley NOT! If you want to talk Clueless, look NO farther than Vicente Fox.
Dam pathetic... that anyone would label Jim Gilchrist anything negative for all of the time/money and hard work he is doing......I guess all of the critics on this board have never ever made a mistake in their life or ever said anything "Overboard" to make a point......Plain ass pathetic.
az hunters who care said:
Stan, Funny thing is, that guy standing there in the mound of trash left by illegals, our President thinks he is a Vigalante.

Gilcrest clueless?? Definatley NOT! If you want to talk Clueless, look NO farther than Vicente Fox.

So you think Gillcries was right when he called Condi a communist???
cjcj said:
Dam pathetic... that anyone would label Jim Gilchrist anything negative for all of the time/money and hard work he is doing......I guess all of the critics on this board have never ever made a mistake in their life or ever said anything "Overboard" to make a point......Plain ass pathetic.

Was he "overboard" when he called Condi a communist, or was he just manipulating the herd of White Trash who are stuck in the 1970's and still worried about Brezhnev and the Communists? And he didn't think anybody would catch on that the Communists are a non-factor? Why didn't he call Condi an Al-Quaida if he wanted to label her as a threat to the country?

I still think you are smarter than Gillcries and you should lead a little "coup de'tat".... and take over the 200 man White Trash March on the 'Dessert".
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