
Fwp commission approved 2012-13 wolf hunt and trap seasons


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Apr 4, 2011
Contact: Tom Palmer, 406-444-3051, [email protected]

Montana's Fish, Wildlife & Parks Commission approved last week wolf hunting and trapping seasons for 2012-13.
For the upcoming seasons, hunters will have the opportunity to pursue wolves throughout Montana beginning Sept. 1 for archery hunting, Sept. 15 for backcountry rifle hunting and Oct. 15 for the general rifle season. The archery season will close Oct. 14 and the general season will end Feb. 28, 2013.
Montana's first wolf trapping season will run Dec. 15 through Feb. 28, 2013, but to participate all prospective trappers are required to attend a certification class to learn more about what it will take to properly harvest a wolf and the need to be prepared for the challenge.
The minimum Montana wolf population estimates at the end of 2011 include 653 wolves, in 130 verified packs, and 39 breeding pairs. The minimum wolf count is the number of wolves actually counted by FWP wolf specialists, and likely is 10 to 30 percent fewer than the actual wolf population.
"We are clearly aiming to reduce the wolf population in Montana,” said Ken McDonald, FWP's wildlife bureau chief in Helena. "Last year we hoped to reach a minimum population of about 425 after the hunting season, but after more than five months of hunting the population still grew from the previous year. This year we sought, and the commission approved, additional management tools to help reach a social balance that better reflects biological realities and public tolerance and values."
While commissioners did not adopt a statewide wolf harvest quota, as they did in 2009 and 2011, they did set a quota of two wolves in Wolf Management Unit 110 and three wolves in WMU 316. Those WMUs are located near Glacier and Yellowstone national parks respectively. All harvested wolves are still required to be reported.
Commissioners also established the combined hunting and trapping bag limit at three wolves, not more than one of which may be taken while hunting. To take a wolf while hunting, a wolf hunting license is required. To take wolves while trapping, trappers are required to complete a certification class and hold a Montana trapping license.
Trappers, however, must check their traps every 48 hours and immediately report any unintended animal caught in a trap, including domestic animals. To avoid unintended captures, wolf traps must be set back 1,000 feet from trailheads and 150 feet from roads, where as Montana's furbearer regulations generally require 300-foot set backs from trailheads and 50-foot set backs on roads. Snares and conibear traps are prohibited for wolf trapping.
In response to public comment, the commission additionally directed FWP to conduct a review of the overall harvest prior to the opening of the trapping season to determine if season adjustments are needed. FWP and the FWP Commission can close the wolf season at anytime.
Montana's first regulated wolf hunt took place in 2009 when 72 wolves were taken by hunters, three fewer than the established quota. Last year, hunters harvested 166 wolves, about 75 percent of the quota of 220 wolves.
"We're learning from past experience," McDonald said. "We're optimistic that this year's changes reflect lessons learned and will get Montana closer to management goals that include reduced impacts to livestock and ungulate populations while maintaining a viable statewide wolf population."
McDonald said FWP computer harvest models project that a 60 percent harvest rate in 2012-13 would result in an end-of-season wolf population of approximately 490 wolves. This modeling includes anticipated reductions due to livestock depredation and mortalities from other events, like accidents and natural causes.
"There is no question that wolves and their management stirs passion and controversy across the political spectrum," McDonald said. "We heard from more than 6,500 people who commented on the 2012 wolf proposal and we respect each and every point-of-view expressed, but in the end we've been entrusted to manage all wildlife in the State of Montana and we have the gold standard of wolf conservation and management plans to guide us. Whether you love wolves or hate them, our job is to manage them in a manner that reflects their role in the ecosystem and the diverse values of the people who live, work, and recreate here. That's the delicate balance we're working to achieve."
To learn more about Montana’s wolf population, visit FWP online at under 'For Fish & Wildlife Information', click "Montana Wolves".

2012-13 Wolf Season Basics
• Wolf Management Units & Quotas—Montana's wolf management units are largely built upon Montana's elk and deer hunting districts. The statewide harvest quota, as established in 2009 and 2011, has been replaced with a general season that includes mandatory harvest reporting. There is a quota of two wolves in WMU 110 and three wolves in WMU 316. Those WMUs are located near Glacier and Yellowstone national parks respectively.
• Wolf Hunting Season Dates—Hunters will have the opportunity to pursue wolves throughout Montana beginning Sept. 1 for archery hunting, Sept. 15 for backcountry rifle hunting and Oct. 15 for the general rifle season. The archery season will close Oct. 14 and the general season will end Feb. 28, 2013.
• Wolf Trapping Season Dates—Montana's first wolf trapping season will run Dec. 15 through Feb. 28, 2013. Prospective wolf trappers must attend a mandatory wolf-trapping certification class to use a Montana trapping license to trap wolves. To gauge interest in the upcoming wolf trapping season, FWP is asking prospective trappers to enter their name and place of residence on a certification roster. FWP will follow up this fall with a list of certification-class locations. Prospective trappers can find the sign-up roster on FWP’s website at Click "Wolf Trapping Certification."
• Wolf Hunting and Trapping Harvest Limits—The combined maximum hunting and trapping bag limit is three wolves per person. One wolf can be taken by means of hunting with a valid wolf license. Trapping is authorized Dec. 15, 2012-Feb. 28, 2013 with a valid trapping license and upon completion of mandatory wolf-trapping certification. Persons could take a combination of up to one wolf via hunting and two wolves via trapping—OR three wolves via trapping (maximum harvest of three wolves per person). Snares and conibear traps are prohibited for trapping wolves.
• Wolf Hunting and Trapping Harvest Reporting—A wolf harvest must be reported to FWP within 24 hours by calling 1-800-385-7826. Successful hunters in backcountry areas will be allowed to report wolf harvests within 24 hours of reaching a trailhead with one exception. Successful hunters in WMU 316, a backcountry area with a quota, are required to report their harvests within 24 hours of taking a wolf.
• Wolf Hunting and Trapping Licenses—Wolf hunting licenses costs $19 for residents and $350 for nonresidents. License sales should begin in August. Montana trapping licenses are currently on sale and cost $20 for residents and $250 for nonresidents. Prospective wolf trappers must attend a mandatory wolf-trapping certification class to use a Montana trapping license to trap wolves.

With Montana set to open its first wolf trapping season in December, state wildlife commissioners recently moved to require prospective trappers to learn more about what it will take to properly harvest a wolf and the need to be prepared for the challenge.
"These trappers must be thoughtful and they need to understand that they'll be representing their fellow Montanans and hunters and trappers everywhere," said Ken McDonald, chief of Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ wildlife bureau in Helena. "Trapping will be used as a wildlife management tool aimed at bringing Montana's rapidly growing wolf population into a social balance that reflects the biological realities of the species and their shared habitats as well as the public tolerance and values of the people who live and work in Montana."

The FWP Commission recently approved Montana’s third fall hunting season and added a trapping season to begin on Dec. 15 and end Feb. 28, 2013.
At the required certification classes, prospective trappers will discuss all aspects of Montana's wolf population and the trappers’ associated responsibilities.
"Some of the topics that will be covered during the certification class include a brief look at the history of wolves in Montana and the current status of wolves in the state," McDonald said. "We'll discuss wolf management and the role of trapping in conservation; trapping ethics, regulations and proper techniques; caring for a harvested wolf; and reporting and registering one’s harvest."
To gauge interest in the upcoming wolf trapping season, FWP is asking prospective trappers to enter their name and place of residence on a certification roster. FWP will follow up this fall with a list of certification-class locations.
Montana trapping licenses are currently on sale and cost $20 for residents and $250 for nonresidents. Prospective wolf trappers, however, must attend a mandatory wolf-trapping certification class to use a Montana trapping license to trap wolves. Wolf hunting licenses cost $19 for residents and $350 for nonresidents. License sales should begin in August.
Prospective trappers can find the sign-up roster on FWP’s website at Click "Wolf Trapping Certification."
The recovery of the wolf in the northern Rockies remains one of the fastest endangered species comebacks on record. In the mid 1990s, to hasten the overall pace of wolf recovery in the Northern Rockies, 66 wolves were released into Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho.
The minimum Montana wolf population estimates at the end of 2011 include 653 wolves, in 130 verified packs, and 39 breeding pairs. The minimum wolf count is the number of wolves actually counted by FWP wolf specialists, and likely is 10 to 30 percent fewer than the actual wolf population.
FWP has led wolf management under the federal guidelines since 2004. The delisting of wolves in May 2011 allows Montana to manage wolves in a manner similar to how bears, mountain lions and other wildlife species are managed, which is guided by state management plans, administrative rules, and laws. To learn more about Montana’s wolf population, visit FWP online at, under 'For Fish & Wildlife Information', click Montana Wolves.
I'm bummed about that $350 price tag for non-residents, I'm already in for $900+, I just can't justify it given how challenging wolf hunting is. I'd rather get a bear tag, seems like better odds, more meat....and based on the details coming in from the Bitterroot Study, better for elk.

Knowing this, I'll see plenty in October, probably a 150lb jet black male.

I think FWP would be smart to propose a $100ish tag for all those NRs who buy a big game combo.
I'm bummed about that $350 price tag for non-residents, I'm already in for $900+, I just can't justify it given how challenging wolf hunting is. I'd rather get a bear tag, seems like better odds, more meat....and based on the details coming in from the Bitterroot Study, better for elk.

Knowing this, I'll see plenty in October, probably a 150lb jet black male.

I think FWP would be smart to propose a $100ish tag for all those NRs who buy a big game combo.

FWP cannot set the price of licenses. That is reserved for the Legislature. They do not meet until 2013.
Why limit the number that can be taken while hunting, is there a reason for that I'm not seeing?

What is it going to cost to get set up with traps and take the course?
Legislature has to put multiple licenses in statute. That authority exists for trapping as a means of harvest, but not for hunting. Like B tags, etc for elk and deer, that has to have legislation to amend the current statute.
To clarify on what Ben said, the statute related to hunting only allows one tag for hunting. The statute for trapping allows for multiple tags. Two separate statutes governing different activities, each providing for different legal tag limits.
• Wolf Management Units & Quotas—Montana's wolf management units are largely built upon Montana's elk and deer hunting districts. The statewide harvest quota, as established in 2009 and 2011, has been replaced with a general season that includes mandatory harvest reporting. There is a quota of two wolves in WMU 110 and three wolves in WMU 316. Those WMUs are located near Glacier and Yellowstone national parks respectively.

Just to clarify, does this mean there is basically one quota for the state except for the areas around the two national parks? The other WMU's don't have quotas specific to them as they did last year?
FWP cannot set the price of licenses. That is reserved for the Legislature. They do not meet until 2013.

I understand that, but can't they recommend something to the Legislature? I'm assuming there is a formal process of review where the entirety of license fees is examined. Based on the slow down of NR licenses/tags sold since the price increase they could use a wolf incentive to entice NRs back. I don't know the economic specifics, but it seems like they would want to do something.
I understand that, but can't they recommend something to the Legislature? I'm assuming there is a formal process of review where the entirety of license fees is examined. Based on the slow down of NR licenses/tags sold since the price increase they could use a wolf incentive to entice NRs back. I don't know the economic specifics, but it seems like they would want to do something.

Yep, the request has been made and there are currently three bill draft requests in regarding wolves (I've not read the list lately, there could be more). The NR license fee will become and issue.

Some groups want it ridiculously low, and others favor about $100. Not sure where it will shake out. I'm less worried about that (which I think is kind of gimmicky) though because hunter success was less than 1% based on sales. However, if folks want it lowered, I don't see much of a problem with it. We do need give the commission the ability to issue multiple tags, just like we have with deer, etc. I'll usually be supportive of giving a commission more authority, even if I don't agree with their policy decisions.
Ben and Fin- Is anyone proposing something in MT like they have in ID where a NR deer or elk tag can be used on a wolf, mtn. lion or bear? As a NR, that type of system has a lot of allure to me.
I don't know about the course, but the trapping gear is not cheap. You do not want cheap, light traps if you are going to trap wolves. Depending on how many traps that you want to run, it can get fairly pricey. There is also the anchors, trap prep, bait or lure, etc. etc. to add to the expense. Expect to spend lots of money on gas, also, if you have a long line-and you probably will.
Ben and Fin- Is anyone proposing something in MT like they have in ID where a NR deer or elk tag can be used on a wolf, mtn. lion or bear? As a NR, that type of system has a lot of allure to me.

It's been kicked around. Remember, Montana is headed for a money shortfall, and we need to sell more tags, not less.

It could be on one of the bills headed to the legislature.

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