Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Funny Hunter Quotes/Lingo

When people that might be new into the hunting world and maybe "don't know" and they call a doe/cow/ewe/nanny/ etc. a female. 😳

It just doesn't sound right when they go.... yeah I got a couple female deer this season.

Sorry pongo that just doesn't sound right.....
Like when non hunters ask if you caught anything this hunting season.
One time I showed a nonhunter/likely antihunter friend of a relative the shed antler collection.
Her words "Think of all the deer that had to die for this collection". I could see she was stressing out and maybe near tears so I gave it a few moments before I explained that deer naturally shed their antlers every year and none of them had to die for the collection. She was quite relieved.
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Ha! Touché. There are a few of us here that try to steer clear of the BS or have been here long enough to watch it creep's tough though.
I can't swing my growler of Mountains Walking IPA or hemp bag of groceries from the Co-Op without hitting a bearded "hunting athlete" on their way to getting their real estate license.
I’ve always thought it’s a little ironic when a guy loves to hunt, meanwhile his day job is being a realtor and trying to sell everyone their little slice of heaven on critical elk and deer winter range.
I just like the ones where the guy is clearly disappointed with the animal, and he keeps giving the little half-hearted qualifiers because he misjudged the antlers and can't sit there and ogle them. "What a great meat buck/wanted to get him out of the herd/such a grueling hunt blah blah blah..."

It's like, stop being a dork and be thankful for the deer you killed.
Took this from an episode with Randy and the boys in Az, I think Michael mentioned “JLO” the Javelina Like Object lol

bunch of JLOs out there
Ha! Touché. There are a few of us here that try to steer clear of the BS or have been here long enough to watch it creep's tough though.
I can't swing my growler of Mountains Walking IPA or hemp bag of groceries from the Co-Op without hitting a bearded "hunting athlete" on their way to getting their real estate license.
Just the phrase “ hunting athlete “ is obnoxious. I lift, I run, and i shoot ( guns not bows. ) but I find it hard to take these obsessive hunting athlete people serious. It’s one thing when Cam Hanes does it. He’s kinda the original. It’s even more annoying when fanboys do it.
Just the phrase “ hunting athlete “ is obnoxious. I lift, I run, and i shoot ( guns not bows. ) but I find it hard to take these obsessive hunting athlete people serious. It’s one thing when Cam Hanes does it. He’s kinda the original. It’s even more annoying when fanboys do it.
People who run and podcast 🤦‍♂️Cam *cough* Janis *cough* go for your run and then talk about elk.
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