Funny Hunter Quotes/Lingo

The worst reaction to a bow kill was Stan Potts in a tree stand....first uncontrollably shaking, then crying and sobbing/blubbering, finally I do believe wetting his panties like a little girl. It was embarrassing to watch for chrissakes. And what's up with "The Crush" what the hell is that supposed to mean? Also the terms...Speed Goat, 'Lopers, and Prarie Goats etc. It's like they can't pronounce Pronghorn or Antelope. Or they don't have the time so they have to abbreviate.

I can't stand those nicknames either! Lmao
Customary comment from my father, always when I was ready to or had already complained about something........."it's mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter". This was usually said while wearing some threadbare coat working on some animal in distress (he was a large animal veterinarian) as it was twenty degrees and the wind was howling, and for me I was sure my nose and toes were about to fall off, and I was soon to be frozen to death.

I now use this line on my children, much to their dismay :D
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No fences here, beast mode, Big Buck Down, Jimminy Christmas, run the mountain, game changer, "extreme" everything - there are tons of awesomeness in magazines or on TV these days. Let's see some good ones ...

"I've always been drawn to things that are hard." -Cameron Hanes, Hunting Illustrated Fall '14

Pillow biters and Gay-bows.
Management doe. Management spike.

Flipped across and saw a show with a Troubadour in the title. Recognized the guest as a guy that played with Willie Nelson and the guys around Austin, TX back in the Outlaw movement days. The host jumps out of the truck on a dirt road littered with corn bits and says, "I am going to lay the smack down on a nice management whitetail doe." Boom!. Oops, was a spike buck. "Here I am with a nice management spike buck that needed culled from the herd. Really nice spike."

Can't make this up.
Also the terms...Speed Goat, 'Lopers, and Prarie Goats etc. It's like they can't pronounce Pronghorn or Antelope. Or they don't have the time so they have to abbreviate.

Agreed, heard someone once call a pronghorn buck a "billy", just stupid! Also calling a doe a "nanny". Is it really that hard to call things what they really are?
Especially since antelope are not a goat or related to the goat. Check it out ... 'closest species to the North American pronghorn antelope is the giraffe. ..... but I would never call him a "junior giraffe" buck.
So I guess we know what hunting shows people have really been watching over the years.

There goes the MT street cred.
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