Funny Hunter Quotes/Lingo

especially when you know they are re-enacting it after the kill...

And last week's Turkey Man episode showed the boys whispering and sneaking up to the crest of the ridge, saying "there he is", calling on the latest call, all the while the already dead bird is clearly in the background of the tv picture.
The biggest pet peeve is when they make a horrible archery shot on an animal, they high five after the shot regardless. Then it always comes back to "being a little far back" so they wait till the next day to look for it. They always say it's going to be real cold (in September) that night which makes it alright. I wonder how much spoiled meat is shown on TV. Rant over
This one is coming soon from the over population of ego-maniac hunters that pack useless gadgetry.

"I shot a B & C bull but couldn't take a picture cause I fell and broke my selfie stick"
I "love" when the host repeats back to the camera, what I just heard his guide tell him.

Also, when they refer to their guide, as there good buddy, or family friend, trying to hide the fact that they are a guide.
Tears...take three.

"Let's get the rackulator on him and tote the trophy fee...oh, you shot the wrong one, this'n is gonna hit yer wallet."
I would pile on with any hunting competion (Drury Outdoors)
Those types of shows are IMO as much a hunting show as "Survivor" is a show about how to survive in the wilderness.......... Honestly, I'd rather watch 30 minutes of blaring static than Drury Outdoors or any competitive hunting shows. Hell, I'd probably rather watch 30 minutes of Sierra Club Propaganda than Drury Outdoors, at least I'd be able to laugh at that nonsense and misinterpreted science....

Pure trumped up Garbage for the witless masses, and all the "Internet Hunters" Who've never actually experienced a hunt.

End Rant
The biggest pet peeve is when they make a horrible archery shot on an animal, they high five after the shot regardless. Then it always comes back to "being a little far back" so they wait till the next day to look for it. They always say it's going to be real cold (in September) that night which makes it alright. I wonder how much spoiled meat is shown on TV. Rant over

Or when they make a bad shot, act like it was good, then cut to the find and the animal is so stiff they can barely lift its head.

"Layed the smack down"
Anything that denigrates the animal. (Most have been covered). Pisscutter, BBD, DirtNap, Smoked 'Em (As they gut shot the animal), management buck,

I understand shows have sponsors, but blatant whoring of products.

"Here we are with my "friends" on the ABC ranch. Our "friends" picked us up at the airport. My ____ bow made the trip just fine. We arrived at the ABC ranch in time to verify my ____ bow and _____ arrows were still spot on at 90 yards"

"My _____ camo worked it's magic as I snuck into 120 yards before I sent the ______ mechanical broadhead slamming home. (In the guts). Couldn't have killed him without my Rackulator. I couldn't have field dressed out the critter without my ____ knife. Made quick work as we loaded my trophy onto our _______ ATV. No way we could have hunted this brutal country without it" (As they recap the hunt around the evening dinner table at ABC ranch lodge)

If I wanted that much advertising, I would watch Nascar. (Have I alienated enough people yet?)
Those types of shows are IMO as much a hunting show as "Survivor" is a show about how to survive in the wilderness.......... Honestly, I'd rather watch 30 minutes of blaring static than Drury Outdoors or any competitive hunting shows. Hell, I'd probably rather watch 30 minutes of Sierra Club Propaganda than Drury Outdoors, at least I'd be able to laugh at that nonsense and misinterpreted science....

Pure trumped up Garbage for the witless masses, and all the "Internet Hunters" Who've never actually experienced a hunt.

End Rant

Whaaa? You mean I would not be in a position to learn valuable insight to survival training such as an open wound, fill it with gun powder and lite it afire to cauterize?

Man, that is all Rambo! I can't wait to gouge myself and open up some 30.06 rounds for the powder - enough to absorb the wet blood and the dry top layer of powder to ignite... :rolleyes:

Actually, there is some good stuff to be learned from those shows, IMO... just have to separate the hooey from the reasonable. :)
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I watched a couple episodes of 'Youngwild' last week, and that show killed me.

First episode the kid jump shoots a mountain goat and hits him WAY high, right below the spine. They jump up and down and celebrate like they just won the World Series, back out, come back the next day and look around for a couple hours before heading for their plane and getting out of dodge. The way they pumped that kid up and celebrated right after an obviously blown shot just made me sick.

The next episode (while the goat is probably still hobbling around with lungs half full of blood), he takes a head on shot on a caribou. Completely botches the shot and hits the caribou in the throat. Caribou dies, and again they celebrate like they just won the freaking lottery.
Sitting around a campfire somewhere in Montana drinking beer....

"This is better than doing a bunch of coke and going to Taco Bell in the middle of the night"

So sayeth Cushman...
Sitting around a campfire somewhere in Montana drinking beer....

"This is better than doing a bunch of coke and going to Taco Bell in the middle of the night"

So sayeth Cushman...

I think a few of us spit beer out our nose with that "Cushmanism". :D
This thread makes me glad I quit watching those shows long ago. They were bad 5 years ago can't imagine what's out there now.

Got rid of all the tv save for Netflix, best move I ever made and we save so much $$$ from the satellite we used to have it's crazy.

I still say that "You know what this is about" is the best quote so far :hump::hump:
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