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Funny Hunter Quotes/Lingo

I quite watching most all those shows too. Couldn't take the BS. They don't have a clue what hunting is. If that's all there is then I want no part in it.

That's why I just quoted family expressions while hunting. Sorry that most are of the 4 letter variety, but very funny.
A Mike Eastman saying...."Tangs" . Look at the back tangs on that buck! Tines, sure...Tangs, WTF?
I quite watching most all those shows too. Couldn't take the BS. They don't have a clue what hunting is. If that's all there is then I want no part in it.

That's why I just quoted family expressions while hunting. Sorry that most are of the 4 letter variety, but very funny.

I read that first one in a book about mountain men (the salt part, not the barrel stretch part). A good one for sure. Like the rivers up in the Yellowstone run so fast the bottoms get hot. And the one about the elk on the other side of the magnified glass mountain. And the petrified forest full of petrified birds singing petrified songs. :D

Mine, about lifting the trees, was from my old outfitter boss.

I've never watched the hunting shows. For me it would be like spying inside the neighbors house during a private moment, or watching reality T.V., or watching someone get a canoe or paint a room during a fire fight. :confused:

Still-pictures are okay for some reason but the videos somehow don't sit well. Even with the pictures I don't like the one's where the animal is being dissed. Hell, I don't even like mounts with hats or Rudolph noses and whatnot. But that's just my personal opinion.
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How about freezer pleazer (doe or cow), skinhead (doe or cow), swamp donkey (deer), timber donkey (Deer), sky carp (geese), ditch parrot (pheasant), timber chicken (grouse), etc? Some may get a little chuckle now and then, but I prefer their real names.

What really bugs me is how the TV shows make it seem like this fantastic, hard hunt where they really earned the game. Almost all of them (Randy's being an exception) are a joke. Especially the ones where the game just stands there watching them while they shoot it. Or when the "hunter" and his cameraman climb into a tree stand only to look and see a B&C buck bedded down 25 yards away. Yeah, right, that really happened in the wild.
You know guys, there is another activity that I like to engage in that is also not portrayed accurately in the media....
"the throber is back" my buddy referring to his hemorrhoids after making a deposit in the woods
"insert stupid made up name" for some animal they want to kill, or are just watching

I can't think of any more to add, but this above does get my gripe, i mean how can a hunter claim 'ownership' and name an animal that they think they are only guys to have ever seen/found...

I do chuckle when guys write about hunting an animal they have been watching and three days before the season they say 'it has gone underground and has disappeared' , in my language that is just letting everybody know your not good enough to relocate it...or smart enough to adapt to its changing habits.
If it's brown it's down!

Me when I'm hunting either sex season and putting meat in the freezer.
DIY Hardcore backcountry extreme bowhunt OTC next level game-changer, train hard hunt easy, sheep shape, elk shape. Worlds greatest elk calling contest.

Are we ready to do some bench presses and burpies?

Blue Steel - #selfie

Run, Lift, Shoot

The title of one of my favorite recent articles about an eastern MT elk hunt by pro football player turned hardcore bad ass back country DIY extreme elk hunter in the breaks. Read the article out loud in a deep voice to a friend. Fun stuff.

This IPA sure is good - I'm in blue chip prairie dog shape.

I second this ..........Take an easy hunt and exaggerate it into some life changing ordeal. Same with guys who pretty much shoot a subdivision deer and write it up as this big time hunt with countless hours of scouting and hard work......blah blah blah.........
Crap drives me crazy. I've shot a couple easy ones, not many, but a couple. Certainly not saying not to shoot the easy ones, just don't try to justify it by making it sound like it was "extreme hunting" at its finest...
Sighted minute of a milk jug at 1000, anything inside 800 is going down.

Looked like a clean miss.
The worst reaction to a bow kill was Stan Potts in a tree stand....first uncontrollably shaking, then crying and sobbing/blubbering, finally I do believe wetting his panties like a little girl. It was embarrassing to watch for chrissakes. And what's up with "The Crush" what the hell is that supposed to mean? Also the terms...Speed Goat, 'Lopers, and Prarie Goats etc. It's like they can't pronounce Pronghorn or Antelope. Or they don't have the time so they have to abbreviate.
Cant stand the funny lingo quotes on shows. But, I watch'em. What I like more and enjoy the hell out of, is the lingo on this Hunt Talk site. Great news - topics - hunts & updates on issues - support, you name it.

Quotes like :'so I have done all this research and googled maps and onX and I am going to unit 61 - not looking for that special spot or a trophy bull just need to see elk'

Or the ol' jim dandy, ' I am going out to the garage to rub some bone'
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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