Funny Hunter Quotes/Lingo

Gave him a dirt nap, I let the air outta him, that's what I'm talking about right there, thunder chickens, ol mossy horn, look at all that trash. Don't forget to yank those whistle teeth.

I'll think of a few more
My favorite Big Fin quotes

Lock in the hubs this is steep, you've mistaken me for someone who cares, never pass up the first day what you'd shoot on the last. Ohh looky there I got me a rat!
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"Management buck" I understand that one might have a management plan for their land but don't say it in a way to justify the "small" size of the buck. Just be happy to harvest an animal.

Yes! This phrase gets used waayy to much.
That's a "big cawd daddy". I hear this from some guys hunting whitetails. Not even sure I spelled it right, but what the heck is a cawd daddy?

Another one that just drives me nuts, "I seen this or I seen that".

"you can't shoot the big ones, if you're shooting the little ones"
"That boy's a bruiser" Remember that. It's going to be the new catch phrase. You heard it first here. :) Randy, our version of Funky Cold Medina isn't going to even raise an eyebrow after they edit your rendition of Scapegoat Nanny into the episode.
That's a "big cawd daddy". I hear this from some guys hunting whitetails. Not even sure I spelled it right, but what the heck is a cawd daddy?

I'm a northern boy from muley country but I've heard of Crawdads, which are like little freshwater lobsters that they catch and eat down south. We use them for bait up in Colorado. The way a crawfish looks with it's claws hooking around front does kind of resemble the way giant whitetail antlers hook around front. Maybe . . . :confused:

I'm just guessing they might be saying "big crawdaddy", as in crawdad. :D
overused/abused acronyms and words

DIY Hardcore backcountry extreme bowhunt OTC next level game-changer, train hard hunt easy, sheep shape, elk shape. Worlds greatest elk calling contest.

Are we ready to do some bench presses and burpies?

Blue Steel - #selfie

Run, Lift, Shoot

Next Level Determination - A gritty bowhunter simply won't take no for an answer!
The title of one of my favorite recent articles about an eastern MT elk hunt by pro football player turned hardcore bad ass back country DIY extreme elk hunter in the breaks. Read the article out loud in a deep voice to a friend. Fun stuff.

This IPA sure is good - I'm in blue chip prairie dog shape.
These are all excellent, gotta say i've had a few chuckles. One that gets me from Mr. Newberg in one of the early OYOA episodes goes something like this..."Ooo that's a really nice buck...UFF-DA!"

Doesn't quite go along with the thread but I've heard it a few times. One of those midwestern things I'll probably never get I'm sure.
"what pooped right next to my truck door"
"It's not too late to shoot it in the ass"
"The shot was so far it stretched the barrel an extra 3 feet, and I had to put salt on the bullet to keep the animal from rotting until I got there"

"There's too many chit legs (other hunters) in this area"

"After sliding the truck off the mountain, the first thing we did was scrape our legs, change our underwear and air out the truck"

After 45 elk I'm still waiting for the "Young Luck" to wear off.
"It all started in the spring when I checked the mail..."


"Honey hole"
Bummed I don't get any hunting shows at my house. When I have seen some in the past, the ones that bothered me the most were the obnoxious celebrations. High fives, jumping up and down, etc... True excitement doesn't mean you have to be 10 again.

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