From the "Idiots on Parade" Department


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
Here's a member of the brain trust, to be sure:
Howard, Wisconsin-AP -- A Wisconsin man thought his guns and ammunition would be safe if he hid them in the oven while he and his wife were away on vacation.

Only he forgot to tell his wife.

After they got home from vacation, she turned on the oven to cook dinner. And, you can guess the rest.

The couple took cover behind their refrigerator when the bullets began exploding.

The man was able to use an extinguisher to put out the fire that started in the oven. No one was hurt.
The funny part for "those who know" is that they hid behind the refrigerator from bullets that weren't going anywhere. :D
Somebody change his outgoing message to "Sorry, there hasn't been anyone home HERE for a looooong time!!"

Here's another Mensa candidate. You mean that you might have to FIGHT in the Army? :eek: :rolleyes: :
Fayetteville, North Carolina-AP -- The Army says it's not going to waste its time trying to track down an alleged deserter now living in Canada.

Twenty-five-year-old Jeremy Hinzman has been declared AWOL from the 82nd Airborne Division in North Carolina and is now living with his wife and baby son in Canada.

A spokeswoman at Fort Bragg says the Army doesn't have time to go looking for him because -- in her words -- "We're fighting a war."

Hinzman says when he signed up for the Army he had no idea what he was getting into.

In an interview with North Carolina's "Fayetteville Observer," he says he had a "romantic vision" of military life. He says he was attracted by the subsidized housing, free groceries and money for college -- and says he was horrified to find out in basic training it was also about killing.

Hinzman served in Afghanistan but fled to Canada last month after finding out his unit was headed to Iraq.
My only regret is that they AREN'T going after him, if only to make an example out of him.
Who would have thought that you'd have to go to war in the military?? When did this start? Must have been the Republicans doings. Training with weapons and such.. isn't that just for movie careers after you retire? My gosh , how can they sleep ? Expecting military personell FIGHT? I am INCENSED!! I am writing my congressman right now and finding out who exactly dreamed THIS up!
He figured it was welfare with SNAPPY CLOTHING. Damn deceitful Republicans. I bet Dick Cheney had something do with it.
There were several situations like this around here when Afghanistan and Iraq started. At least a couple of them were Marines, who had joined up for the benefits, never thinking that they might actually have to fight. :rolleyes:
I guess mom and dad must have not beleived in TV or something. Hadn't he seen in old John Wayne movies??? what did he think he was at summer camp for the boy scouts just target practicing???
LMAO!! Thanks; I needed that!! :D by the way don'tyou think just leaving him in Canada is punishment enough? ;)

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