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#SammichHoppuckyswaggydheartbeatfreak leinencreepinfruitwhiskeyhunttalkbubba%noimaginationmostunoriginalhandlestealinfreak

What y'all think?
You can call me Harriet for short.
Sorry, but Mrs. Fin is already keeping an eye on my strange behavior that comes from living in a tent for most of the season. For the sake of staying married after my four months on the road, I can't risk any big changes in personality, online or in person.
When I I read the first 6 words I thought you were going to say she already calls you the big freak…as the kids would say TMI.
For the love of all things sane, change your freakin freak name or your profile pic, but not both. I don’t know who is who anymore. It’s like someone switched the labels on my sugar, salt, baking powder, and laundry soap to white stuff, powder stuff, snowy stuff, and chalky stuff. I’m eating salt on my cheerios, sugar on my fries, baking powder on my stains, and laundry soap in my pancakes. I can’t take it. All this ambiguous anonymous freakin has to freakin stop. Please.
For the love of all things sane, change your freakin freak name or your profile pic, but not both. I don’t know who is who anymore. It’s like someone switched the labels on my sugar, salt, baking powder, and laundry soap to white stuff, powder stuff, snowy stuff, and chalky stuff. I’m eating salt on my cheerios, sugar on my fries, baking powder on my stains, and laundry soap in my pancakes. I can’t take it. All this ambiguous anonymous freakin has to freakin stop. Please.

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