Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

You are officially a ....

Noodled a catfish out a hole.

Watched a tornado while drinking a beer in your driveway.

Shot a hog and deer with a 30-30.

Order calf fries as a starter and can cook a ribeye to a perfect medium rare.

You're on your way to being a Okie.
Come on man, the flamethrower?
Sorry, I jumped into a curds & whey post.

I tried the Cajun Curds and got heartburn.
I'll stick to my NM chile and use the WI white cheddar for enchiladas.
Man I'd say you're from KY if you have ever pulled a shot of apple pie moonshine from a quart jar that you keep up on a high shelf and that you bought from the "old guy up the holler" in the garage to wash down some Grippos BBQ chips and a fried Bologna sandwich. (for non-drinkers substitute Ale-8-one for the drink)
Fair enough. I should have said you've never cooked a ribeye past medium rare. I like a rare steak but not blue and have had too many places screw it up so just order medium rare now plus that's how the wife likes them.
At a restaurant I order a rare steak, it seems like more times than not it comes out medium rare and if you order a medium rare steak it comes out medium. Unfortunately, I cannot say that I have never cooked a steak past medium. My wife likes her steak comparable to shoe leather and then smothers a filet in A-1. Some things I will never understand nor do I try at this point.

I was trolling intentionally to offend some people by my original comment and derail this thread. Dangit.

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