Well-known member
Since I really enjoy following along with JLS and Finn's hunting season threads and I don't have anybody else to share my excitement over this hunting stuff with, I thought I'd try to document this first year of bird hunting for both Ruby and myself.
Quail season is upon us and we've been anxious to get out there and have at 'em. It's still too warm and too dry for Ruby to spend long hours in the field, but we set out early for a short hunt. We flushed a covey out of a thicket of Russian Olives, but she didn't point any of them, so I passed on taking a shot. That was it for quail sightings, unfortunately. I did stumble into some mourning doves, and managed to shoot one as it passed overhead.
My first shot bird.

Ruby didn't see it fall, when the gun went off she turned and looked at me. So I started walking toward the downed bird, and telling her "dead bird." As soon as she spotted it she ran up and pointed it. Once again I gave her a "dead bird, fetch" and she picked it up and brought it to me. She dropped it a few feet away at my feet.

I gave her the bird back to hang on to for a minute and let her know she's the best dog. Super happy with how she handled the situation, this was her first experience with a shot bird. We continued on, taking a few more shots at doves but not connecting with anything. No more quail sightings today.

We stopped at another spot on the way home, and again didn't see any quail where I usually have in the past. At one point we were in some old growth sagebrush and Ruby was running all over. Doves were flushing everywhere, so I thought that's what she was chasing. She was out of sight and it got quiet. A moment later she came trotting into view with this young rooster in her mouth. Not what I wanted to see. Aside from killing the bird, it's still a couple weeks before pheasant season opens. Oops. She was sure proud of that bird, though.

Unsure what to do, I left the pheasant where she dropped it, it will make a nice snack for the hawks/coyotes. Back at the truck, a WDFW truck pulled into the parking lot and proceeded to check my license and my shotgun. At the risk of maybe getting myself into trouble, I explained what happened with the pheasant and asked what the proper course of action is when that happens. As long as I didn't retain the bird, no laws were broken. Dogs will be dogs and things like that happen. I was surprised, but pleased to see the WDFW officers out there, they are spread pretty thin and aren't often seen around.
We didn't get into the quail as I'd hoped, but it ended up a successful first hunt experience. Me-n-Rubes are gonna have a lot of fun this winter.
Quail season is upon us and we've been anxious to get out there and have at 'em. It's still too warm and too dry for Ruby to spend long hours in the field, but we set out early for a short hunt. We flushed a covey out of a thicket of Russian Olives, but she didn't point any of them, so I passed on taking a shot. That was it for quail sightings, unfortunately. I did stumble into some mourning doves, and managed to shoot one as it passed overhead.
My first shot bird.

Ruby didn't see it fall, when the gun went off she turned and looked at me. So I started walking toward the downed bird, and telling her "dead bird." As soon as she spotted it she ran up and pointed it. Once again I gave her a "dead bird, fetch" and she picked it up and brought it to me. She dropped it a few feet away at my feet.

I gave her the bird back to hang on to for a minute and let her know she's the best dog. Super happy with how she handled the situation, this was her first experience with a shot bird. We continued on, taking a few more shots at doves but not connecting with anything. No more quail sightings today.

We stopped at another spot on the way home, and again didn't see any quail where I usually have in the past. At one point we were in some old growth sagebrush and Ruby was running all over. Doves were flushing everywhere, so I thought that's what she was chasing. She was out of sight and it got quiet. A moment later she came trotting into view with this young rooster in her mouth. Not what I wanted to see. Aside from killing the bird, it's still a couple weeks before pheasant season opens. Oops. She was sure proud of that bird, though.

Unsure what to do, I left the pheasant where she dropped it, it will make a nice snack for the hawks/coyotes. Back at the truck, a WDFW truck pulled into the parking lot and proceeded to check my license and my shotgun. At the risk of maybe getting myself into trouble, I explained what happened with the pheasant and asked what the proper course of action is when that happens. As long as I didn't retain the bird, no laws were broken. Dogs will be dogs and things like that happen. I was surprised, but pleased to see the WDFW officers out there, they are spread pretty thin and aren't often seen around.
We didn't get into the quail as I'd hoped, but it ended up a successful first hunt experience. Me-n-Rubes are gonna have a lot of fun this winter.