Favorites ? And Dislikes?

BG- antelope
SG- rabbit, squirrel, possum---a toss up
WF- woody breasts and legs prepared in a confit.
FWF- chain pickerel, warmouth perch, red breasted sunfish---another toss up
SWF- red drum, black sea bass, spots---- all equally delicious
Upland- timber doodle or snipe
BG mule deer taken during the High Cascade season in September (Central Oregon). Whitetails run a close second, and all other mulies and blacktails are just deer meat.

SG rabbit

UGB pheasant

WF Woodies fattened on acorns, slow roasted

Fish Spring chinook on the barbeque. Honorable mention - sea-run cutthroat.
BG: corn-fed Iowa whitetails
SG: squirrel
UGB: bobwhite quail
WF: mallard, teal
Fish: sashimi cut fresh on the boat: yellowfin tuna in Mexico or silver salmon in AK
Other: crawfish, frog legs
BG - Boar, I've had Elk once and it was d@mn good too
SM - Squirrel, in Brunswick stew
WF - None, they all taste like liver to me !
FWF - Trout
SWF - Flounder
UP - Quail
My favorites are sheep, antelope, elk, moose and western whitetail. I tried a lot of different animals in Africa but really can't say it's a favorite because I've only had it a couple times. Eland was great the rest wasn't really any better or worse than elk or deer.

Rabbit is the only small game I've eaten and the only I'll probably ever eat. Rodents aren't my thing. :)

I really like blue grouse, pheasant and ptarmigan.

I usually smoke or turn ducks/geese into jerky.

Favorite fish includes yellow eye, halibut, sockeye, and striper.
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Favorites are antelope and river bottom whitetail.

Least favorite is bear.
BG - Bighorn or river bottom whitetail w/ elk a close second
UP - Pheasant
Warmwater- walleye
Salmonid - chinook
Salt - Halibut

Least favorite - that pronghorn my roommate in college shot 6 times before remembering he sighted in w/o his glasses. That poor thing must have run 3/4 of a mile on 3 legs.
Big game
1. Moose
2. Antelope
3. Buffalo
4. Deer

Small Game
1. Partraige
2. Pheasant
3. Turkey

1. Walleye
2. perch
3. Salmon

1. Maui Maui
2. Halibut
3. Red snapper
BG Moose, Mt Lion is close second kind of like Beef or Pork it depends on the mood.
UP Sage Grouse, there is just something about them that makes them taste a little better than the rest.
WF I make a mean teriyaki (sp) mallard breast.
Fish Crappie

Least favorite - heart of anything liver is ok but I can't eat heart.

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