Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Favorite conceal carry choices

I have been carrying my Kimber Micro 9 with a De Santis inside the pants leather holster. I carry all year round and you cannot see it no matter the shirt.


S&W .380 Body Guard for summer clothing and running in and out of the gas station

honestly nothing i dislike about the g43, could use more rounds in the mag off the shelf but you can fix that if you want. i kinda prefer the concealability factor over more rounds anyway. The problems with the .380 are obvious: too tiny for my hands and double action sucks, but it's a pocket gun so is to be expected.

i like never carry anymore though to be honest. at this point the g43 just lives on the nightstand (we don't have kids).
G23 Gen4, and S&W.380 Bodyguard here.
.380 is just that, too small to handle, but it's there to do the work if need be. Conceals anywhere!

G23 is Gen4, hard to beat. Fits well, shoots well, and as reliable as they are I don't have any complaints.

Same ole for years now!
Lots to like about the sig p365, the s&w shield, and the Springfield hellcat , im currently enjoying getting acquainted with the latter, I think it will be my everyday.
Glock 19! All day every day. In my LEO and military career I've carried: Sig 226, 290, 250, M17, Springfield XD's in 45 and 9, S&W M&P 45, Beretta M9. Put a Trijicon RMR or similar on top, and you're ready to go. I think the Glock 19 is a great balance of size, capacity, weight, and concealability.
This P365 SAS is designed w/o single hand thumb slide release. The intent is to streamline if from snagging. I would have thought some form of thumb tab could have been rounded to conform with the intent to not snag though they went with the basis, the person has to use other means to rack the slide.
Funny, I don't remember posting.

I wrote a whole preachy post that on way past that and thought I deleted it.

I like the lines on the Sig. Does it offer the caliber change kits?
I'm basically a revolver and 1911 guy. Love my Kimber Micro9. Have the version with day/night sights...perfect for older eyes. Also have a Ruger SR1911 Officer's size in 9. Replaced the factory sights with a set of Heinie Straight 8's. Really like them. Can also recommend S&W Scandium 1911. I carry my Smith 3" Model 60 quite a bit, also. As for striker fired, my one daughter really likes her Shield 9 and I liked my Kahr P9.
I bought my wife a SW MP Shield 9mm EZ and its a nice handy little gun. When I carry a gun off duty it's a Glock 33 in 357 sig. I recently shot a glock 48 with an aftermarket 15rnd magazine that is a solid choice as well.
My hands are big. Never have held a Glock that felt right because of this. I'm hoping to stay at .40 cal as that is my current line up. Love the Kimber. But it's pricey.

Glock 19 is my favorite, but not always possible with clothing choices. My stable includes a Glock 19, 43 and S&W J-Frame. Those pieces and a small assortment of holsters, cover me for 98% of situations.
I carry a Ruger LCR 38+p a small wheel gun leaves no empties behind. very concealable very accurate.jmo
I can’t get used to the Glock grip angle. I trained with a Sig 226, and practiced further with a 1911, so I carry a Springfield XD Mod2 for my subcompact striker fired carry gun now. I like the trigger on it better than the Glock, too.

I want to like Glocks... reliable, aftermarket and OEM parts are ubiquitous, they come in several great models, but I just can’t point and shoot with them like I can with a 1911 grip angle.
M11a1 in warmer weather and mk25 in cold weather! Sig life!!
Carried a CZ P10C in a Galco King Tuck for years. Loved the trigger for a striker fired. Now I carry a Sig P229 Elite. Great trigger love the DA/SA. It's in a King Tuck. Also have a Kimber micro9, but at 6'2" 200 pounds I can conceal a larger gun than a pocket carry.
I’m in Texas and most of the time it’s hot and it’s t shirt weather. Most of the time I carry my Sig p365 with the flush pinky extension mag. Also have a Glock 19x I appendix carry. Has a longer grip for big hands and really like the balance of that pistol (g19 barrel and g17 grip) but find the grip prints sometimes. So maybe someday I’ll get a glock 19 or borrow my fiancé’s glock 48. Also have carried 1911s, Springfield XDs, and have a pocket carry Ruger LCP 380.
Bought a S&W Shield 6 years ago. Happily carried it but just got a P365. It’s a definite upgrade. Feels better in hand even though it’s smaller and holds a bunch more rounds. I shoot it really well. Also really like the stock nights sights on the sig
Anyone ever use the Springfield emp conceal contour? I really like the 1911 style and am one of those lame people that like some sort of safety.

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