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New pistol purchase

This holster is awesome. I can wear my SG sun hoody over it and it prints very minimally. From the front you can hardly see it. From a side angle you can see a slight print if you know what to look for. This is where a P365 would shine for sure. The 43x does just fine.

Side note, the inconsistency of airlines when you’re checking a firearm is pretty amazing.
Anybody try the PSA dagger? I think I'm gonna try it out for the price and good reviews. Looks like a Glock copy cat. The G19 fits me well and you can use all the same accessories.
I like the S&W shield in 9mm. I have a 1st gen and with the Truglo TFO sights, it shoots great. It has a slim grip and the new shield plus will give you 3-6 more rounds and a longer barrel for better sight lines.

You can’t go wrong with a 43, I have carried mine almost daily for like 5 years. It feeds every thing and anything I put in it. I put a mag extension on and have almost same capacity as the 43x. I have yet to clean mine, ever….maybe 1500 rounds though it.
The last 100 rounds were underwood hard cast and penetrator load +P. I like it so much I sold my 10mm Glock and will just take my 43 with me in grizzly country and Alaska

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