Caribou Gear

1911 .45ACP Taurus


Feb 8, 2018
Columbia, MO
This is our home defense bedside drawer gun.
I took my wife out to the range with this gun and she could not hit the broadside of a barn with it. Which makes it about worthless as a defense weapon for her while I am away.

I would like to trade for a smaller caliber (9mm)? for her to be able to conceal/carry and leave in bedside drawer.

I would also consider a trade for a bear gun in the .357 revolver or 10mm.


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I have a S&W M&P 9mm I’d consider trading if you were local… 😏

Have you tried seeing where she’s missing, and adjusting the sights? Or is she yanking, flinching etc?

In other words, you believe a different handgun will yield different results?
I am in Columbia, MO. She was struggling to hit paper at about 5 yards and was way left and then way low too. After about 40 rounds of trying to coach her, I decided I better get something with less recoil. I could hit center at 10 yards with it. It is the first handgun I purchased and is the only handgun I have killed a deer with.
Your best option is to find a competent instructor and get her lessons. I took my wife, daughter & SIL for classes with a police officer who trains for the county. After 4 hrs (2 separate classes) the gals were surprisingly proficient on safety, loading, chambering and shooting (7 yds) doing double taps and failure drills (2 center mass 1 to the head) and gained confidence on handling a firearm. They were using Sig 365 and 365 plus. $50 hr per person plus ammo.
IMO the 1911 is difficult for women ( generally speaking) who are not proficient with handguns. The .45 tends to be a little more than they like also. My wife has a .38 revolver and a XD9. Both are easy to handle. Just pull the trigger. Plus their are some good lighter home defense loads that work well.
Man I love those Taurus 1911s. I had the two tone version and regret selling it pretty much every day.

I have nothing else to add to this. Others have given good advice
Thanks all for the advice. I have encouraged her for years to take her conceal carry course so an instructor could work with her.

Still would like to drop her down to a smaller caliber with not as stout of recoil. I myself used to carry a .460 Rowland for bears and was quite used to a stout recoil. However, my wife is 5’.9” and weighs 120lbs and is very green to handling guns in general. She takes her bow with to the woods during gun season.
IMO the 1911 is difficult for women ( generally speaking) who are not proficient with handguns. The .45 tends to be a little more than they like also. My wife has a .38 revolver and a XD9. Both are easy to handle. Just pull the trigger. Plus their are some good lighter home defense loads that work well.
My petite little wife shoots my 1911s and .45 Colts with an ear to ear grin. But a full size, metal frame 9mm is more accurate for all of us due to less recoil.

My choice for bedside for my wife would be a .357 revolver. That's what she picked.

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