Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Favorite coffee while backpack hunting

Instructor Earl, for the win! Hell of a company!

I switched home and work coffee over to them though didn't know they had the compact coffee pouches. Swapping to that for my outdoor coffee.
They are a new product. I love their coffee, but haven't tried these yet.

And yeah, hell of a company and awesome YouTube videos
I guess my tastes aren't as refined as you folks. When backpacking, I always just bring a ziplock baggie full of Folgers or store brand instant and say, "eff it, good enough".
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When backpacking just for its own sake, I take Folgers singles. I'm no coffee snob by any stretch. When backpack hunting I'm usually just in the coffee to keep the caffeine monkey off my back. I don't like to take the time in the morning to brew and drink coffee as I'm generally trying to race the sunrise up a mountainside and get ahead of the elk moving to their beds. "Grinds" gets the job done.

As a person who dabbles in chewing tobacco these are amazing. Helps me avoid bringing a tin into the backcountry only to run out and get ornery.

As for real coffee, I bring the Stanley french press and thermos along with hipster coffee beans from the local co-op. I typically don't backpack in super far so the weight is worth it to me. There's really no substitute for the real stuff.

I also recently purchased a 6.5 Creedmoor.
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along with hipster coffee beans from the local co-op.
I also recently purchased a 6.5 Creedmoor.

Careful, that's a slippery slope you're on. Starts with the hipster coffee, then the 6.5. next you will be wearing a hand knit hemp beany, putting your cat on a vegan diet, and talking about how you now identify as a dolphin.
Careful, that's a slippery slope you're on. Starts with the hipster coffee, then the 6.5. next you will be wearing a hand knit hemp beany, putting your cat on a vegan diet, and talking about how you now identify as a dolphin.

I personally identify as an x gendered female tomcat with a manbun and only eat non-GMO, grass-fed, lactose-free, free-range, gluten-free, cage-free beet paste. If you don't think everyone should only consume that strict diet, I'm going to drive on over to Billings and protest naked on your front step.
Been doing Starbucks Via for the combo of flavor, light weight and simplicity. Looks like now I'll have to give the Black Rifle sticks a try though.
I just bring chocolate covered espresso beans and eat a handful first thing, and bring another with me. But at home i just put ground espresso straight into my morning protein shake, never bother brewing it.
I'm not that picky when I'm hunting, but I use a combination of via, tasters choice and mount Hagen. I dont like folgers bags or instant for some reason.

One thing I started doing this fall is keeping a really well insulated mug with me. I make my coffee the night before when I make dinner, and it's still hot the next morning. Wake up, grab the mug and a kind breakfast bar and be on my way. It really streamlined the morning process compared to boiling water.

Randy11, great idea and what is the manufacture of that mug? not sure ive seen a mug/thermos that'll keep coffee warm for 6-8 hours
Randy11, great idea and what is the manufacture of that mug? not sure ive seen a mug/thermos that'll keep coffee warm for 6-8 hours

I use this guy- https://www.amazon.com/Stanley-Classic-One-Hand-Vacuum-x/dp/B0795XVNPF?th=1&psc=1

It works as well as their traditional thermos' do.

If you're able to get the mug itself warm before you seal it up for the night it seems to help a lot. Either open it up and stick it next to the truck heater/campfire, of if you have extra hot water seal it up for a bit before you put the coffee in. I think most temperature loss is associated with the warm up with the thermos insulation.
this is better tasting than starbucks via at a fraction of price.

I am a french pressing coffee snob at home but this is just fine for all my hunts backpack or truck camp.

I don’t really “camp” when hunting. Just no interest in camp crafts so everything is simple, and fast or not gonna happen.
Like the suggestion to make coffee night before and put in a good thermos so stays hot till morning. gonna adopt that.
