Favorite coffee while backpack hunting

Via for me. A buddy of mine started packing Jiva Cubes. They different flavors, some with cream incorporated. They are tasty, but expensive.
Might have to try those Jiva Cubes...if I don't like them I'll just save them for stocking stuffers for my kids. Children love caffeine :)
The Starbucks/Jetboil generation probably wouldn't have fared well with the potfull of who-gives-a-shit-what-brand grounds in water boiled cowboy style over an open flame......:eek:

I like both. As long as there's a high enough dose of caffeine...
It's fun to relive the old days and joke about young wimps - but truth be known now...…
After spending enough years with a pack on my back and sleeping on the ground - I am over backpacking for almost everything - including hunting.
So now in my canvas spike home, there's a large stove, but I am still too lazy to make real coffee. I boil water, mix this in and add
this:eek:, then sit outside the tent enjoying the chickadees and nuthatches, the views, and the CHAIR.....
The Starbucks/Jetboil generation probably wouldn't have fared well with the potfull of who-gives-a-shit-what-brand grounds in water boiled cowboy style over an open flame......:eek:

I think we would just call it turkish coffee to class it up a bit and drink it like everyone else...
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The Starbucks/Jetboil generation probably wouldn't have fared well with the potfull of who-gives-a-shit-what-brand grounds in water boiled cowboy style over an open flame......:eek:

I got some coffee beans in the "green" from a neighborhood coffee roaster one time and roasted them in a skillet over a campfire. After they cooled, I crushed them up with the butt of my knife and boiled them cowboy style. The results were exceptional, if I do say so myself. I imagine the old timers 100+ years ago who actually had skill roasting beans drank some of the best coffee ever made. As for me, I'm lazy so I just use Via's bought at Costco.
It's fun to relive the old days and joke about young wimps - but truth be known now...…
After spending enough years with a pack on my back and sleeping on the ground - I am over backpacking for almost everything - including hunting.
So now in my canvas spike home, there's a large stove, but I am still too lazy to make real coffee. I boil water, mix this in and add
this:eek:, then sit outside the tent enjoying the chickadees and nuthatches, the views, and the CHAIR.....
View attachment 92430

Yep. Medaglia instant is the ticket. Tastes better than Via at a fraction of cost.
I'm not that picky when I'm hunting, but I use a combination of via, tasters choice and mount Hagen. I dont like folgers bags or instant for some reason.

One thing I started doing this fall is keeping a really well insulated mug with me. I make my coffee the night before when I make dinner, and it's still hot the next morning. Wake up, grab the mug and a kind breakfast bar and be on my way. It really streamlined the morning process compared to boiling water.

Great idea! I usually will take my 18 oz growler with me anyways, why not make it the night before and save a little time.
I use a french press mug when camping. It might be a little bulky for backpacking depending on your preference. The key to a french press is using a coarse grind. Powdered creamer too, black coffee is too hard on my stomach anymore.
I really like the dark timber ascent pack takes about 5 min but tastes so much better than instant or the via. Also they give back to conservation. I start every day with either timberline or g4 blend.
It's fun to relive the old days and joke about young wimps - but truth be known now...…
After spending enough years with a pack on my back and sleeping on the ground - I am over backpacking for almost everything - including hunting.
So now in my canvas spike home, there's a large stove, but I am still too lazy to make real coffee. I boil water, mix this in and add
this:eek:, then sit outside the tent enjoying the chickadees and nuthatches, the views, and the CHAIR.....
View attachment 92430
View attachment 92431

Jesus Onpoint..stick a fork in yourself,your done. Sure a little pampering I get but the day I can't backpack in to the mountains (now with jet boil and via)its over.%uck getting old.
Jesus Onpoint..stick a fork in yourself,your done. Sure a little pampering I get but the day I can't backpack in to the mountains (now with jet boil and via)its over.%uck getting old.

Reading comprehension, Hem:D. Never said I was done, just over it. I may possibly be the only person who has been to every single one of the roughly 100 alpine lakes with fish in the Madison and Gallatin drainages - some multiple times. Well almost all, one last one to go - me and a couple other idiots will set up camp at Moon Lake in the Peaks, then hump over into Cascade Lake for a day trip in July - thus completing my quest for full domination of the area. The king of nothing:D.
Jet boil, coffee packs, Mountain house, Sierra Designs Clip Flashlight, mosquitoes and chafing for all.
I ain't old yet, just have learned to seriously appreciate a roll-a-cot topped with a thermarest topped with 2" of memory foam -and coffee creamer from a cooler......
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Gotta read between the lines..sounded done.
I might the only person who has climbed a peak above every one of those lakes. Been avoiding The Peaks for years after they blew the top off of Lone Mt. Next summer wrap up the last of the 10k summits in the Tobaccos.Roughly 44 give or take a few subs.
But yes I finally bought a wall tent for November.
The Starbucks/Jetboil generation probably wouldn't have fared well with the potfull of who-gives-a-shit-what-brand grounds in water boiled cowboy style over an open flame......:eek:

Count me as part of this group. As long as it's hot and so black you can't see through it is is good.