EOY - What Equipment Worked, What Didn't?

The Gerber Vital is slick slick
180 gr 28 cal Scenar L's still undefeated out of brockel's castoff Mashburn
First Lite stuff mixed with Sitka stuff mixed with North Face puffy or Filson Mackinaw...maybe a mid layer of Arcteryx when it's cold
10 year old high mileage Kenetrek Mountain Extremes...a few squeaks but run like new.

Yoga mat still a pos sleeping pad...
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Good one Gomer, so true.

--my new and expensive trekking poles. Worked them hard. Didn't fail. By Komperdell. They have an 'L' handle I can put a lot of weight on for the up slope.
--Still like my Timberline pants.

--Tried 3 different brands of boots. Crispi, Zamberlan and Meindle. Picked up the Meindle a day before heading out. Seemed ok in the store but ended up
bout a 1/2 size too big. Trial by fire. Opening day break in. Put 40-42 mile on them in 3 days. sore feet at the end of each day, but not so bad I couldn't
go again in the morning. Water proof without putting anything on. Did not expect snow in 70 degrees. Still on my list for next year.

--2 year old mountain house. i was hungry but not that hungry

--Sig Kilo 1250 rangefinder. bot used, should have known better. would barely range at 700 yards and only if I had the right back ground. Back to the loopold 1000

--Sliced a tire on a cattle guard on the way up. But great service in the local town had me on my way with a used one for cheap. I tipped for the beer.
--took a big tumble in the dark timber where the snow was. Judges would have score at least an 8.5. Did my best but still smacked the scope.
--Damn bear spray which soaked the waist belt of my heavy pack a year ago has one heck of a shelf life. burned my a$$ for 3 days in the warm temps.

Next time
--despite the best laid plans. Problems always seem to pop up when hunting season hit. Only got out for 3 days this year.
--Lots better shape this year but wasn't able to take advantage of it.
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Zamberlan boots, I’m punishing them right now and they are taking it in stride.
Wing Works upland vest
Darn Tough sock
OnX phone app
Sitka gear, some of it is over 10 years old and I still can’t wear it out
Discount Tire, treated me well on a DRT sidewall
Hammer bullets

Didn’t work
BFG KO2 vs Wyoming granite
Agree with JLS.
Wingworks Bird vest - one of the best most thought out things I have ever bought.
Putting it to use this morning....................
Filson Wool whipcord pants tough ass wool

Still can't talk myself into the Sitka digital jammies:D
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Worked: mystery ranch selway, kifaru gunbearer that thing is awesome. Leki trekking poles, onx maps wouldn’t have gotten my buck without it. Therma rest mondo king xl sleeping pad super comfortable. First lite uncompagrhe puffy packable warmth that weighs nothing.

Questionable: big agnes hog park 20 I still sweated my butt of at night, it was roomy but I just still hot.

1. Seems a lot of people are talking about their Mystery Ranch packs as being a big success. I'll have to join in the MR Lovefest. I bought a Metcalf at the beginning of the season. It's far and away the best-designed pack I've every used. It lives up to the hype. I hauled it up and down a lot of mountains in SW Montana and packed out a smallish cow elk and a big mulie buck with it. Good investment all the way.

2. I shot an antelope, a mid-size whitetail doe, and a large mule deer with Nosler Accubonds, 140grn in my 7-08 (goat and WT), 165grn in my .308 (mulie). Great performance all around. This was my first year to hunt with my own hand-loaded ammo, so I guess I gotta give myself a little credit too. :)

3. Merino wool base layer is great. I was in some bad weather this season, worse than most for some reason - rain, sleet, snow, wind, fog. That stuff far exceeds cotton. I got soaked and frozen, etc. The Merino base layer was noticeably helpful in keeping my body temp manageable even when wet.

4. Arctic Shield parka - did I mention I was in some bad weather this year? There were a couple of days I don't think I'd been able to stay out without it. I wore it after the sun went down and my friend and I were still 2 miles up a mountain carving up his elk, temps dropped to about -15, in a foot of snow. I also wore it glassing all day out on a rocky canyon rim in Eastern MT with snow drifting down. I don't know what the temp was that day except that I was sleeping in a camper and that morning when I got up, my contact lenses had frozen in the case (I didn't even know they'd do that), as well as all my water. It's a good parka, not excessively heavy or bulky, that won't break the budget. I'd recommend it.

I can't say I had anything that was really a fail this year, except for me not connecting on an elk. I did pretty good on deer and 'lope, so I'd still call it a pretty season.
MR Metcalf - first season using this pack and it is super comfortable though I am still getting used to the lack of pockets.
Trekking poles - I got a cheapie pair from camofire but they worked well enough I am now a convert
Sitka and First Lite clothing mix. Love the timberline pants. On warmer days, I wore FL Corrugate pants and had no complaints.
Kenetrek and Hanwag boots - Mt. Extreme 400 gram for colder days, Hanwag uninsulated for warmer. Both were very comfortable.

Needs work
Tripod - it worked but its a cheap one that weighs a ton. This needs upgraded.
Cabelas Sleeping bag - My down bag from Cabelas is at least 15 years old and has lost enough down its probably half of what is used to be. Time to upgrade. I will be looking hard at Big Agnes.
My pre season fitness - I didn't do enough and I felt it
What works for Me depending on what I am Hunting.
Model 70 XTR .264 Win Mag with Leupold 4.5x14 40mm CDS with Burris Signature Rings and 10 MOA. Nosler Bullets
Model 70 Pre-64 300 H&H and Leupold 3.5x10 40mm CDS Nosler bullets 180gr AB
Remington 700 BDL 6mm Rem Hornady 100BTSP reload bullets going to try Nosler BT.
15 shells
Leica 1600B range finder with extra battery
Bushnell Binocular 10x50mm
Eberlestock Just One Pack with water blader
North Face Snowshoe 0 degree bag.
Therm-a-Rest pad
Coleman Max Micro Stove, small pot to boil water, coffee cup Insulated REI
Two new Bic lighters and Fire cubes starters can’t remember brand. Waterproof matches.
Titianium Spork $ MRS Salt & Pepper shaker
Katadyn Gravety filter 6L
Petzl head light, AAA Mag Light. Extra battery’s
Garmin 60csx GPS with chip and extra battery’s Silva Compass
Cutco Hunting knife, Gerber folding knife, Diamond sharpener. 1/2 roll electric tape.
Very Very small first aid kit, moleskin,1 pack baby wipes,chapstick backpack towel, 1/2roll Scott’s TP,
Cabelas Alaska Game Bags. Latex gloves
Foam seat
50’ Parachute cord
Small tarp, Contractor trash bag
Kelly Grand Mesa 4 man for up to three people.
Mountain House meals and instant Coffee, Oatmeal Tuna in foil. 1 candy bar a day.
Browning Coat and Down Vest light weight have to replace as I lost it :(
Merino Wool base layer
Cabela’s pants waterproof and quite.
Bison Belt and Suspenders
Cabelas Gaters.
Miendel Boots from Cabela,s
Smart wool Sox
One stocking hat Wool and one ball cap with waterproof sprayed on

Items to buy for next year for Caribou hunt.
Trekking poles
Need to up grade Binicoulars looking at Nikon Monarch 5 or 7
Gamebags ordered some Caribou brand for a caribou trip.
Wind proof lighter.
Need Chota hippies waders and felt less Boots also.
Pelican Rifle case
Clothing I need some good rain gear since I’m going to Alaska
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Worked for me:
Federal 165 grain trophy coppers in my 30-06, very impressed with their performance and no worries about lead in my meat
Mystery Ranch Metcalf, bought this last year during a black friday sale so this was my first season hunting with it and it did everything I wanted and then some
Platypus big zip, no nasty plastic taste to my water

Didn't work:
First Lite Corrugate guide pant, I loved the fit/finish of these but I could not get over how loud they were...I wish I had just bought another pair of their wool pants
I was also thinking MR should be sending a nice Xmas bonus to the Newberg house this year...

FL puffy. Best purchase of the year
Smartwool socks - ran a couple new pairs after finally destroying some of my old ones. Love fresh socks
OnX on my phone - app is wayyyy better than a few years ago when it crashed daily. Never even turned on the old GPS this season

Didn't work:
Old pack - time for an upgrade. Actually overdue for an upgrade

Upgrades for next year:
A couple baselayers; I've worn out a couple items so FL merino will get a shot and maybe a Sitka synthetic for good measure
New Pack - probably pull the trigger in the next couple weeks
New bino harness. I've beaten the sh*t out of my old one

Mobile home I swiped from my wife for a week:

5 year old Walmart cooler:

12 year old $100 backpack:

Hunting shirts from Tractor Supply:

Hand-me down pink coats:

Little Debbie power food:

Discount trail cams in the backyard:

Needs improvement-

Labrador chasing deer away from my camera:

Tire toughness:

Need more pairs of Theron binos:
A follow up to what didn't work:
Here's a photo of my 3 year old First Lite Kanab pants. ONLY used during Oct-Dec, maybe 12-15 day/year. That equals about 45 days max. And only used for upland bird hunting, wore 'em this morning - they had a small fray on the left lower leg where the huge problem is now. Pretty fragile wimpy pants for so called "hunting pants".
I realize the new First Lite's are revamped and redesigned. I will buy a pair, but I sincerely hope they aren't a POS, as these were - very disappointing.....

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