Caribou Gear

EOY - What Equipment Worked, What Didn't?

A follow up to what didn't work:
Here's a photo of my 3 year old First Lite Kanab pants. ONLY used during Oct-Dec, maybe 12-15 day/year. That equals about 45 days max. And only used for upland bird hunting, wore 'em this morning - they had a small fray on the left lower leg where the huge problem is now. Pretty fragile wimpy pants for so called "hunting pants".
I realize the new First Lite's are revamped and redesigned. I will buy a pair, but I sincerely hope they aren't a POS, as these were - very disappointing.....
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Unfortunately wool just doesn’t wear very well.
A follow up to what didn't work:
Here's a photo of my 3 year old First Lite Kanab pants. ONLY used during Oct-Dec, maybe 12-15 day/year. That equals about 45 days max. And only used for upland bird hunting, wore 'em this morning - they had a small fray on the left lower leg where the huge problem is now. Pretty fragile wimpy pants for so called "hunting pants".
I realize the new First Lite's are revamped and redesigned. I will buy a pair, but I sincerely hope they aren't a POS, as these were - very disappointing.....
View attachment 91670

Spending big money on consumables...never thought that would work.
Late season elk hunt:
Cascade mtn trekking poles - saved me some major slides in the steep snow. 4 wheel drive for steep hikes in the snow.
Meindl Perfect Hunter boots: Three years and proven performers. Keep my much-less-than-perfect feet/ankles together.
Merino wool base layer: Switched from poly and like the change.....with less stink
New Marsupial binoc harness: Loved this. I used my Leica rangefinder binocs much more and with one hand operation.
Kifaru Gun Bearer: Not perfect but worked well and allowed use of my trekking poles with quick access and kept my scope snow free under my arm. Rifle would sometimes twist in it but quickly got used to it.
Kenetrek gaiters: Worked well to keep snow and mud out of the boots and off my pants.
First Lite puffy: kept me warm and flexible without the weight and bulk. Big plus
OnX maps. Great tool, I'm sold on this and didn't bring my Garmin. Easy phone access in Marsupial harness.
Sitka 90% pant. Light and comfortable, another winner.
Eberestock X2 pack. Worked well for day hikes and carried two separate elk rear quarters off the mountain. Handled these OK but can see an upgrade to the MR Metcalf in my future.
Kenai Chest Holster: Didn't use this trip as grizz were sleeping but used daily in other trips and easy to put on, very quick access, out of the way for bowhunting. carried my Glock 10mm with secure but quick one handed access. Not sure how I will use with my new Marsupial binoc harness??
I dont see any pics of them but the drop down menu seems to indicate they do.
Like hearing what worked and what didn't for people, can pick up some good tips and ideas.
What worked:
Antelope hunting in WY – Already planning another trip for 2020, had a great time.
OnX Hunt App – Downloaded the maps of our area and used them offline since service was spotty. Yes, it does eat the battery even offline but still a huge help when hunting checkerboard areas.
Air B&B – Not hunting gear but I would recommend for hunters that travel out of state and usually stay in hotels. All the amenities of home and in most cases equal or less in price than a hotel room.
Kenetrek Gaiters – Bought these a couple of years ago but didn’t have the chance to use them until this year for the opening day of NY deer season. These worked great keeping my pant legs dry. I hunt state forest and like to walk so definitely a help.
Savage Lightweight Hunter 243 – Nice and light and accurate. My shot ended up being less than 100 yards on my antelope so didn’t get to test it out but nice to know the capability is there. Obviously not a long range rifle but for 400 and in it’ll work just fine.
Sig Kilo 2000 Rangefinder – Picked this up on closeout at Cabela’s to replace an older Nikon. Worked great, ranged objects/animals a long ways out.
Chest freezer in bed of the truck – Since the antelope hunt was a two week trip with the first week hunting and the second week sightseeing I figured a small chest freezer would be better than coolers and a lot of ice. Ran a cord out the back and plugged it in each night, kept everything frozen for the entire trip.
Swarovski Spotting Scope – This falls into both worked and on the fence. Rented it for my antelope hunt, all I can say is wow, these scopes are incredible for looking at animals from a long ways out. On the fence because using it for extended periods gave me a headache. Think I’m going to try a pair of higher power binoculars (likely Maven) on a tripod next time.
On the fence:
Kuiu Binocular Harness – I want to like it but something about it bothers me. Maybe I’ve just used the strap style for so long that having a small pack on my chest takes some getting used to. It also doesn’t completely secure the binocs since the back of it is open. Will pick up an AGC or FHF Gear to try out for next year.
What didn’t work:
Overpacked for the trip as usual. Really need to do a better job of weeding items out and leaving behind the stuff that doesn’t get used.
Conditioning – Not that antelope hunting is strenuous vs most of the other species out there, but I really need to exercise more. Job change and sitting at a desk now makes it twice as hard to stay in shape. Being past the 40 mark doesn't help either.
Cost of diesel. Needed a loan to afford the fuel bill out and back. Was excited in the Midwest since fuel was ONLY around $3/gallon.
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Outdoor research crocadile gaters-over 50% of my hunting days were in the rain, these worked great, not a normal whitetail gear but they sure were usefull this year

Slick tricks broadhead- i changed to a fixed blade this year, my deer i got wouldn’t have been if it was shot with rages like past years.

Military woobie-i used this to cover up while on stand fir rufle season, it worked great, will be keeping this idea in the cards for other years.
Can you elaborate? What is a woobie, military or otherwise?

Yes its the surplus poncho liner, i think I bought mine for like $25.

Sorry for the poor spelling on my post, i was typing one hand with a squirmy kid next to me yesterday lol

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