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Extra Stupid Window Stickers

I had no idea you were so familiar with the cultural attractions of my neighborhood!
I'm from back east originally. Stopped in there one time years ago while in high school when I was doing a summer job where I collected plants for a greenhouse. We were up by Plattsburgh for a week collecting.
Never been passed by anyone from Iowa, never will, even if that means pit maneuvering them.
be on I80 on or about September 7 and you are going to get passed by an Iowan. I’m going to flip off every Nebraska plate I pass in hopes that it’s you. 😂

I’ll find a good window sticker to put on my truck so you can contribute to this thread.
be on I80 on or about September 7 and you are going to get passed by an Iowan. I’m going to flip off every Nebraska plate I pass in hopes that it’s you. 😂

I’ll find a good window sticker to put on my truck so you can contribute to this thread.
I’ll mark it down. You better stock up on wood screws for when I blow your doors off! 🤣
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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