Extra Stupid Window Stickers

I spend a lot of time on I80 in Nebraska. I’ve drawn several conclusions about people from different states. Mostly Iowa. Law enforcement must give speeding tickets out like candy in that state. I’ve yet to ever see someone from Iowa speeding. Generally they are going the speed limit to 5 under, which baffles me. If someone is Lolly gagging in the hammer lane, 9/10 it’s someone from Iowa. I’ve tried to be polite about it, but now I just run up on em and honk until they get over, the sad part is they don’t even know they did anything wrong. As a general rule in Nebraska you need to be going 5 over the limit to avoid being ran over. You can get away with anything 10mph over the limit and under in most cases on highways.

The Nebraska govt is gonna spend $500,000,000 of the Covid relief money on some new lake. I think it would be better spent building a wall on our eastern border to keep Iowans out. BUILD THAT WALL!
Man I was cussing you yesterday! I was going 82 in a 70 on southbound I-35 and I got my doors blown off by a minivan with Texas plates. Naturally I sped up to match. After I sped up and got the cruise set at 87 I caught up to the Subaru convention from Minnesota. Why do people even leave their house if they are afraid to drive? Two handed, fists clenched, some of those big sunglasses that go over and wrap around your regular sunglasses. You are just lucky I didn’t see a Nebraska plate in that bunch.
Man I was cussing you yesterday! I was going 82 in a 70 on southbound I-35 and I got my doors blown off by a minivan with Texas plates. Naturally I sped up to match. After I sped up and got the cruise set at 87 I caught up to the Subaru convention from Minnesota. Why do people even leave their house if they are afraid to drive? Two handed, fists clenched, some of those big sunglasses that go over and wrap around your regular sunglasses. You are just lucky I didn’t see a Nebraska plate in that bunch.
I’ve got opinions on Subaru drivers too. 🤣
Headed northbound on I 35 right now. Cruising at 80, passing Nebraska plates right and left. I'm amazed so many people from Nebraska Can work up the courage to leave the state.
I live in Montana. I have a long commute. I've been driving below the speed limit for a while now because I get 15% better gas mileage, and that's my second biggest bill every year. It adds up to a decent chunk of change every year- covers my non-resident Missouri deer and turkey tags when I go home to hunt with my dad.
Headed northbound on I 35 right now. Cruising at 80, passing Nebraska plates right and left. I'm amazed so many people from Nebraska Can work up the courage to leave the state.
Numbered plates or lettered plates? If the plate starts with letters they are from Omaha or Lincoln and the rest of us do not recognize those areas as being part of Nebraskastan. If I get elected governor anytime I’ll trade Omaha and the surrounding areas to Iowa for the blackbird casino near Onowa. We’ll move what we can or Lincoln to Kansas snd the rest will be demolished and the rubble used to build the wall on the Iowa border.

People from Wyoming and Soooth dakoota will be the only ones allowed to enter the state without a background check and a mandatory 5 year waiting period.

Stocker for governor! Make Nebraska normal again!
Numbered plates or lettered plates? If the plate starts with letters they are from Omaha or Lincoln and the rest of us do not recognize those areas as being part of Nebraskastan. If I get elected governor anytime I’ll trade Omaha and the surrounding areas to Iowa for the blackbird casino near Onowa. We’ll move what we can or Lincoln to Kansas snd the rest will be demolished and the rubble used to build the wall on the Iowa border.

People from Wyoming and Soooth dakoota will be the only ones allowed to enter the state without a background check and a mandatory 5 year waiting period.

Stocker for governor! Make Nebraska normal again!
Bartering is a lot easier when you are offering something people actually want.
I live in Montana. I have a long commute. I've been driving below the speed limit for a while now because I get 15% better gas mileage, and that's my second biggest bill every year. It adds up to a decent chunk of change every year- covers my non-resident Missouri deer and turkey tags when I go home to hunt with my dad.
I had an 01 explorer sport that I'd drive 70 in an 80 for that reason. And I'm on mile 330k.

When I drive 84 on the interstate with my crv, I get 26mpg, at 72 it goes up to 30mpg. But i also place a value on my time so most of the time it's 84.
I live in Montana. I have a long commute. I've been driving below the speed limit for a while now because I get 15% better gas mileage, and that's my second biggest bill every year. It adds up to a decent chunk of change every year- covers my non-resident Missouri deer and turkey tags when I go home to hunt with my dad.
I roll 72 on the interstate for the same reason. I can get around 18 MPG going 72. Kick up to 78 and it drops to 13.
I live in Montana. I have a long commute. I've been driving below the speed limit for a while now because I get 15% better gas mileage, and that's my second biggest bill every year. It adds up to a decent chunk of change every year- covers my non-resident Missouri deer and turkey tags when I go home to hunt with my dad.
Good for you. People squeal about the high price of gas. Drive 5-7 mph slower and its a wash. Plus your engine, driveline, brakes and suspension last longer.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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