Caribou Gear Tarp

Extra Stupid Window Stickers

Howdy. I made my own sign and put it in the rear window of my truck because I couldn't find one that said what I wanted to say. It reads, "PUT THE PHONE DOWN AND DRIVE". It is by far the most popular sign in the metro area as I get comments all the time when I fill up with gas, and thumbs up as people drive by. I even had one person tell me that I need one on the front of the truck that is backwards so the people could see it in their rear view mirror. I said that won't do any good because their eyes are focused on their phone and not the rear view mirror.
Hope it isn't your lady friend's sticker.
Thankfully it is not, I think that would be a deal breaker for me, but I have wondered about the meaning of that sticker. When I first saw your post I wondered if "beautiful disaster" was a thing that I wasn't hip enough to get, which is getting to be a more common scenario as I approach the second half of my 40s.

My personal favorite that I've seen around town is a BIG, loud, Dodge diesel with a gigantic Pantera logo in the back window. This is pretty awesome in its own right, but the icing is the "I identify as a Prius" sticker on the tailgate. As a fairly conservative person, I gotta say I really got a kick out of that...wish I had a pic to contribute.
Another Idaho Favorite. :)


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