Caribou Gear Tarp

Extra Stupid Window Stickers

I honestly don't know WTH to think of this....... part of the embassy? the windows are all covered and blacked out? WTH?
It’s apparently the “Moorish Science Temple of America.” Looks like this cult went and got themselves set up as an auto dealer so they could have their own tags and not recognize the state as their own kind of a sovereign citizens thing. (Deduced from Wikipedia)

Actually kind of a slick move if you want to be anti-gubmint without running too far afoul of the government.
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Kentucky? Boss Hogg is from Georgia!
SOB! You mean my whole life I’ve been wrong about this!? Why make a fictional Hazzard County, GA when KY has a Hazard that would be completely believable.

As an aside, I had a best friend growing up whose dad ran a residential boy’s home in the hills outside of Hazard. When the troubled kids would threaten to run away, he would look around and say, “Go ahead! Where you gonna go? Ain’t nothing out there but woods and copperheads!” ... None ran away.