Caribou Gear

Extra Stupid Window Stickers

I recommend the “Grey Man” attitude to everything you do now, or at least for the next four years. Don’t give our critics anything to run with.
How on earth do you hit 5 deer and only 3 rabbits? And TWO turkeys? I think hitting more than one turkey is completely unrealistic. I feel like it would be more like 20:1 rabbits to deer, not to mention hitting 5 deer is really going to put a hurt on your rig...
Man i could run over at least a half dozen turkeys a day easy. They just mob up in the roads and dont move. Its like when you see people trying to drive out of riots real slow, afraid to hit the gas pedal and fling guts.
Little hard to tell from the pic, but if that is the wounded warriors, you had better look deeper. Very few cents on the dollar goes to where it is suppose to. Their CEO and other officers make in the seven digits. They have very poor utilization of funds.

There are several other vet orgs that do much better with the money that is donated.
Really? You gonna dog the mans wounded warrior sticker because you dont like how the allocate their funds?
Bad move.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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