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Our dolla

Hobby Lobby is over an hour and half for us in Dubuque. My wife likes to go in their occasionally, usually around this time of year when they have their Christmas decorations on sale. I agree it has a terrible smell, potpouri. I volunteer to stay in the car with the kids.

Our dollar store in town usually has more employees than customers. but the crap is never stocked, they just leave it in carts in the aisle. They are going through some issues as the manager was arrested for possibly stealing money from the store so we will see if we even have one anymore.

I have a bone to pick with Target. Everyone thinks of it as some boogey store but they have the same thing as wal mart for a buck more. The customers are a mix of better than you with my ugg boots, starbucks, and Escalade that I don't know how to park and customers who think they are to good for wal mart, but in reality they are just white trash too.
Ive felt that way about Target for years. Thank you.

Also, Winco is the Walmart of grocery stores, but at least they own up to it
Our dolla

Hobby Lobby is over an hour and half for us in Dubuque. My wife likes to go in their occasionally, usually around this time of year when they have their Christmas decorations on sale. I agree it has a terrible smell, potpouri. I volunteer to stay in the car with the kids.

Our dollar store in town usually has more employees than customers. but the crap is never stocked, they just leave it in carts in the aisle. They are going through some issues as the manager was arrested for possibly stealing money from the store so we will see if we even have one anymore.

I have a bone to pick with Target. Everyone thinks of it as some boogey store but they have the same thing as wal mart for a buck more. The customers are a mix of better than you with my ugg boots, starbucks, and Escalade that I don't know how to park and customers who think they are to good for wal mart, but in reality they are just white trash too.
There are tons of trailers along the Mississippi river here that are used as cabins. When the owners want to get a new trailer or build a bigger cabin you can often find the trailers for free on Facebook Marketplace or somewhere, but you have to move it and they are all on stilts. I have often tried to figure out how I could move one for cheap and this is what I imagine it would look like.

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