Caribou Gear Tarp

Episode 51 - Fred Eichler and Kyle Lamb

Not to distract to much, some of you should just be glad people like Kyle exist, because they are the ones ensuring that it isn't you, your wife, and kids being pulled out of your homes. It is tough, thankless work, and you are forced into situations that just plain suck. If you can't find humor in it, it will eat you up.

If you want to express some moral outrage at someone, maybe focus it on the gutless insurgent that hides behind women and children when they know confrontation is coming. I can guarantee you he didn't enjoy rousting a village to find a handful of bad guys.

If it makes you uncomfortable to hear about the realities of the world, don't listen, and just take comfort in the fact that many people sacrifice to ensure you are insulated from it.

"dogs and Soldiers; stay off the grass....."

Bigfin, nice podcast, they sounded like great guys.
Not to distract to much, some of you should just be glad people like Kyle exist, because they are the ones ensuring that it isn't you, your wife, and kids being pulled out of your homes. It is tough, thankless work, and you are forced into situations that just plain suck. If you can't find humor in it, it will eat you up.

If you want to express some moral outrage at someone, maybe focus it on the gutless insurgent that hides behind women and children when they know confrontation is coming. I can guarantee you he didn't enjoy rousting a village to find a handful of bad guys.

If it makes you uncomfortable to hear about the realities of the world, don't listen, and just take comfort in the fact that many people sacrifice to ensure you are insulated from it.

"dogs and Soldiers; stay off the grass....."

Bigfin, nice podcast, they sounded like great guys.

Well said. I had been debating about whether or not to post basically the same thing. You said it much better than I would have. I'm thankful for people like Kyle.
Well said. I had been debating about whether or not to post basically the same thing. You said it much better than I would have. I'm thankful for people like Kyle.

X2. Having been on Kyle's side of the coin although not nearly to the capacity that he has. I can say that our sense of humor is way more colorful then any civilians I have ever met. And there is a reason for it. If you don't laugh at some of the things it will kill you. Earplug candy was a first for me!!!!!! I will say those of the towel head persuasion love pork MRE's!
Not to distract to much, some of you should just be glad people like Kyle exist, because they are the ones ensuring that it isn't you, your wife, and kids being pulled out of your homes. It is tough, thankless work, and you are forced into situations that just plain suck. If you can't find humor in it, it will eat you up.

If you want to express some moral outrage at someone, maybe focus it on the gutless insurgent that hides behind women and children when they know confrontation is coming. I can guarantee you he didn't enjoy rousting a village to find a handful of bad guys.

If it makes you uncomfortable to hear about the realities of the world, don't listen, and just take comfort in the fact that many people sacrifice to ensure you are insulated from it.

"dogs and Soldiers; stay off the grass....."

Bigfin, nice podcast, they sounded like great guys.

Well said. Must say it got me hot reading a couple of the posts until I remembered the sheep have the right to express themselves freely thanks to sheep dogs like Kyle.

COL Jessup, USMC said it best:

" I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said "thank you", and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think....."
ewludwig, the irony of you calling the ones presenting an unpopular belief sheep, while the rest drone on with their endless support of war and their hero worship is wonderful. Now THAT is something I can find funny. The quote you provided is unsettling at best. COL Jessup seems to be not only a narcissist but probably a psychopath as well. "The freedom I provide" wow, that is some serious hubris. I am free because I own my thoughts, my actions, and my body. I am free because I am a human being created in the image of the Creator. Not because those in power send our best young men around the world to prop up a trillion dollar a year military industry. I don't know what you were trying to prove by quoting that a-hole.

If you all really think that without endless war and the killing of hundreds of thousands in the middle east, there would be some towel headed boogy man around every tree in America, all I can say is 1) you should probably watch less news, and 2) who are the sheep?
War is not pretty or comfortable for any involved. Some use humor to get through tough situations. Some people need to lighten up and not take everything so literally. And if you get your feelings hurt, at least have the balls to post under your own account. Don't go create a new account to say things that won't be popular.
ewludwig, the irony of you calling the ones presenting an unpopular belief sheep, while the rest drone on with their endless support of war and their hero worship is wonderful. Now THAT is something I can find funny. The quote you provided is unsettling at best. COL Jessup seems to be not only a narcissist but probably a psychopath as well. "The freedom I provide" wow, that is some serious hubris. I am free because I own my thoughts, my actions, and my body. I am free because I am a human being created in the image of the Creator. Not because those in power send our best young men around the world to prop up a trillion dollar a year military industry. I don't know what you were trying to prove by quoting that a-hole.

You do know he was quoting a character in the movie A Few Good Men, right?
ewludwig, the irony of you calling the ones presenting an unpopular belief sheep, while the rest drone on with their endless support of war and their hero worship is wonderful. Now THAT is something I can find funny. The quote you provided is unsettling at best. COL Jessup seems to be not only a narcissist but probably a psychopath as well. "The freedom I provide" wow, that is some serious hubris. I am free because I own my thoughts, my actions, and my body. I am free because I am a human being created in the image of the Creator. Not because those in power send our best young men around the world to prop up a trillion dollar a year military industry. I don't know what you were trying to prove by quoting that a-hole.

If you all really think that without endless war and the killing of hundreds of thousands in the middle east, there would be some towel headed boogy man around every tree in America, all I can say is 1) you should probably watch less news, and 2) who are the sheep?

It is ok, this is exactly why this country is worth fighting for.

Personally, I prefer a little more quiet professional, but you only got the slightest hint about the terrible things that happen everyday around the world (most of which doesn't include the US military), and I can assure you that you have to find humor in the worst situations, or they will tear you down.

Here is where I struggle, the military doesn't self-deploy, they go where they are told, and do their damnedest to get it right, so they can come home. Because guess what, they are the ones who are paying the price. If you want to be mad at someone about propping up the military industrial complex/oil/imperialism/etc, look to the folks in DC, and spare the military your faux outrage.
People in the vehicles around me had to have thought i was crazy. Laughing...alone in my truck..then pausing to wipe my eyes...and oh ya windows down but earbuds in. Yup i'm crazy alright
ewludwig, the irony of you calling the ones presenting an unpopular belief sheep, while the rest drone on with their endless support of war and their hero worship is wonderful. Now THAT is something I can find funny. The quote you provided is unsettling at best. COL Jessup seems to be not only a narcissist but probably a psychopath as well. "The freedom I provide" wow, that is some serious hubris. I am free because I own my thoughts, my actions, and my body. I am free because I am a human being created in the image of the Creator. Not because those in power send our best young men around the world to prop up a trillion dollar a year military industry. I don't know what you were trying to prove by quoting that a-hole.

If you all really think that without endless war and the killing of hundreds of thousands in the middle east, there would be some towel headed boogy man around every tree in America, all I can say is 1) you should probably watch less news, and 2) who are the sheep?

Informed dissent is what makes this country great. The problem here is the whole informed piece. Politicians make policy, the military executes it based on their Constitutional obligation. Speaking of the Constitution, it doesn't govern the Laws of War....the Geneava Convention does. Sharp shooting tactics when you likely haven't had the privilege and responsibility of stepping onto the battlefield in defense of your country is difficult to comprehend. Thankfully, you are entitled to your opinion and those that execute lawful orders will gladly ignore it. The militiamen that helped win the Revolution were criticized for targeting British officers and using unconventional tactics. My hero worship of them isn't diminished. Rather, I'm thankful that folks like that were willing to sacrifice everything in defense of their beliefs. Kyle is no different. He was a bit over-the-top for me, but a true warrior and patriot none-the-less. Not sure how you define a narcissist, but someone who puts everything on the line for our country doesn't seem to fit. Kyle has his own unique way of dealing with the horrors of war. Maybe you would rather he suffer in silence and quietly kill himself without any of the collective sheep so much as looking up from their iPhone to take notice? It's happening EVERYDAY.....and it is a shame. War is hell and should always be the last option. I'm sure we can agree on this if nothing else.

Make no mistake, you are only free because of the Kyle Lambs of the world. The Creator gave us all free will.....both good and bad. Conflict is as old as Cain and Able. As such, bad people will do bad things unless confronted by guys like Kyle, MinnesotaHunter, etc. Don't take my word for it.....just consider the "boogy man" was able to knock down two buildings and behead numerous men, women and children for atrocious crimes such as listening to music and attending school. But I guess in your world we should look the other way so we don't promote the war!!!!

And thanks for the COL Jessup comments. Super funny. I probably shouldn't have quoted a fictional character to prove a point. I'm sorry. Instead, consider these:

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf-Orwell

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory or defeat-Roosevelt
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory or defeat-Roosevelt

Love this quote. I will never forget sitting in that field, listening to MAJ K reading this to us the morning we started EIB testing.
Love this quote. I will never forget sitting in that field, listening to MAJ K reading this to us the morning we started EIB testing.

Your memory is better than mine.....however, I will never forget the "the triumph of high achievement" having earned the EIB nor the "dust and sweat and blood" that came with it....oh, and the ass beating we took by the others who had gone before us in the "arena".
OMG this was some of the most entertaining shit that I have heard. Randy you need to have them on again. Thank You
I know Kyle via my time in the military. Kyle and I have quite a few mutual friends. I'm curious as to how you guys initially met. I'm in the middle of the podcast. Great show so far.
Well I’ve been debating posting anything for a long time because I can see both sides of this issue, but every time I think of this podcast I get a strong mix of emotions that doesn’t seem to passing with time, so I guess I better get it off my chest.

I have great respect for the folks on this podcast, so I’m not here to throw anyone under the bus. I have a brother in the military, a brother in law enforcement, and I have deep respect and gratitude for the sacrifices they and their families make to preserve our freedoms here and win freedom for other around the world.

I also have an adopted son from a Latin American country. I also have friends who fled oppression in their native countries in the middle east. So, when I was listening to this podcast with one of my sons after a day of skiing, and heard jokes about skinning and quartering people who are coming to the US from Latin America to find safety and a better life for their families, I grimaced. And when I then heard jokes about how it would be cool to kill bad guys with an arrow to see a similar reaction to the elk I’ve double lunged and didn’t know what hit ‘em, well then I turned the podcast off.

Do I support our efforts in the Middle East. Yes. Do I support the men who are doing the dirty work for us over there. Hell yes. Were I in their shoes, facing what they face every day, would I resort to humor to deal with the stresses of that. I’m sure I would. But these are fellow human beings we are talking about, and I fear that if it becomes OK to joke about killing human beings in ways that equates them to animals, then I fear that we have lost something, and I fear that we are all diminished by it.
I'm guessing everyone missed the disclaimer at the beginning that said if you were easily offended, this might not be the episode for you
Well I’ve been debating posting anything for a long time because I can see both sides of this issue, but every time I think of this podcast I get a strong mix of emotions that doesn’t seem to passing with time, so I guess I better get it off my chest.

I have great respect for the folks on this podcast, so I’m not here to throw anyone under the bus. I have a brother in the military, a brother in law enforcement, and I have deep respect and gratitude for the sacrifices they and their families make to preserve our freedoms here and win freedom for other around the world.

I also have an adopted son from a Latin American country. I also have friends who fled oppression in their native countries in the middle east. So, when I was listening to this podcast with one of my sons after a day of skiing, and heard jokes about skinning and quartering people who are coming to the US from Latin America to find safety and a better life for their families, I grimaced. And when I then heard jokes about how it would be cool to kill bad guys with an arrow to see a similar reaction to the elk I’ve double lunged and didn’t know what hit ‘em, well then I turned the podcast off.

Do I support our efforts in the Middle East. Yes. Do I support the men who are doing the dirty work for us over there. Hell yes. Were I in their shoes, facing what they face every day, would I resort to humor to deal with the stresses of that. I’m sure I would. But these are fellow human beings we are talking about, and I fear that if it becomes OK to joke about killing human beings in ways that equates them to animals, then I fear that we have lost something, and I fear that we are all diminished by it.

I respect your opinion and the perspective you have based on your personal experiences. If the others had presented themselves in a similar manner, I would not have had a probem with it. My main beef is when people attempt to pass off opinion as fact......or ignore facts in defense of said opinions. You did neither.
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