Caribou Gear

American Prairie - 88,000 acres of access

You forgot Rupert Murdoch, who owns the Matador south of Dillon. It’s over 400,000 acres. He’s an Australian and owns 3 times as much as APR. never heard anyone having a problem with that.
I don't think those large landowners necessarily compare to APR. The difference is the amount of access to the Breaks APR could shut down if so inclined in the future. mtmuley
I don't think those large landowners necessarily compare to APR. The difference is the amount of access to the Breaks APR could shut down if so inclined in the future. mtmuley

Access that already wouldn’t exist if a wealthy out of state landowner would have purchased it.

As I’ve posted before. APR is not only allowing access, but they’re building infrastructure to facilitate it. I find it hard to believe they would invest money into new roads, campgrounds, huts, vault toilets, etc only to shut the public out.
Access that already wouldn’t exist if a wealthy out of state landowner would have purchased it.

As I’ve posted before. APR is not only allowing access, but they’re building infrastructure to facilitate it. I find it hard to believe they would invest money into new roads, campgrounds, huts, vault toilets, etc only to shut the public out.
Maybe so. I just think the proximity to the Breaks and how much access APR controls makes some people nervous. mtmuley
Maybe so. I just think the proximity to the Breaks and how much access APR controls makes some people nervous. mtmuley

Without researching, because I don’t know, did people have access to the private lands before APR purchased them? If not there is 0 lost access.

And again, if a wealthy individual instead of APR purchased the land, access would have already been lost.
Without researching, because I don’t know, did people have access to the private lands before APR purchased them? If not there is 0 lost access.

And again, if a wealthy individual instead of APR purchased the land, access would have already been lost.
I can't speak to all of them, but the answer is no access to many of the places I hunt over there that AP now has.
I'm not nervous at all about it. If it were sold to one of the billionaires, there wouldn't be anything to be nervous about either, you'd be locked out.
Just another perspective Buzz. You know how trusting some old time Montanans can be. I hope it works out forever. I am still a bit irritated by them denying me access to an area I was interested in. mtmuley
Access that already wouldn’t exist if a wealthy out of state landowner would have purchased it.

As I’ve posted before. APR is not only allowing access, but they’re building infrastructure to facilitate it. I find it hard to believe they would invest money into new roads, campgrounds, huts, vault toilets, etc only to shut the public out.
Yes, it is important to realize that the access never existed prior to AP. The Breaks access "APR controls" was opened by APR. The campgrounds, nature trails, and afore mentioned infrastructure is clearly constructed for the public for public enjoyment and access. Likely to attract continued support indefinitely into the future to support AP.
I just think the proximity to the Breaks and how much access APR controls makes some people nervous. mtmuley
If that is posited as a reason to oppose AP, then conversely using the same logic you should support acquisition of vast lands by wealthy entities such as Murdoch or the Wilkes because someday in the future they may OPEN access.

'Guess it's a matter of attitude of pessimism or optimism. Nervous because someday access may be limited or shut off versus thankfulness for the present access and hope that it continues.
Just another perspective Buzz. You know how trusting some old time Montanans can be. I hope it works out forever. I am still a bit irritated by them denying me access to an area I was interested in. mtmuley
Yeah, life is tough all over.
I can't predict the future. mtmuley
No one can.

To me - itd be a shame if more of that land got commercially developed, denuded of its natural ecology for more monocrop agriculture, or subdivided into horse ghettos.

Short of Turner, im not sure of how many other land owners besides them are committed to the opposite with purpose and the foundation do so.
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