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Encounter outside of Polson Walmart...


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2010
NW Montana
I/we were going into the Polson Walmart this morning and passed a man gathering signatures to get an anti trapping ban question on the Nov. ballot, a trapping ban on public land. We finished our shopping, I helped my wife load items into our car. At this point my hackles were really up and I had to express my views to this man. I explained that I knew what a trapping ban has accomplished in other states in so far as the predator population explosion, rabies becoming more prevalent, predators killing/eating ground nesting birds and much more. His reply was that to him these were merely the side effects. I explained that trapping is a management tool designed to keep certain populations in balance. His reply was that foothold and body traps are cruel. It came to me that nothing could or would dissuade his mind. I asked where he was from. He answered that he currently lives in Denver and was born in San Diego. This explains much to me. I was polite, did not use bad language and conducted myself like a gentleman. Be aware, there are anti trapping, hunting and fishing people in our state to tell us how we should conduct our lives. Too much liberal fertilizer for this old man. My .02 cents. MTG
Just like people who come from UT with a pocket full of loot from their legislature to tell us how to manage wildlife for profit, duffers from out of state telling us to not trap can go "sit on it," to quote the irascible crew from Happy Days.
I'm not big on more legislation, but I wonder if it is Constitutional to have a law that requires any person gathering signatures for Montana ballot initiatives is required to be a Montana resident. I don't mind people disagreeing with me on state-based topics, but I don't like out of state people and out of state money driving the outcomes of state-specific issues. It is bad enough in how the legislature has their hands out for out of state money, and if I was King for a day, that would be stopped also.

I am not as polite to signature gatherers as I am to other people. Some say they are "just doing their job." I get that. My theory is that if I make their job more uncomfortable, then they might look for more comfortable work. I do the same with telemarketers.
I voiced my view in a commonsense way but to be sure it went in one ear and out the other. The signature gatherer was not a well dressed type but his attire was that of a 60's hippy and perhaps one that would be on government assistance to support himself. He appeared to be approx. 50-60, long white pony tail, an air of being unwashed as though his accomodations was a van or something on similar nature. I will be heading back into Polson tomorrow AM and will scope the situation out once again. My hope is that he has moved on due to lack of support. BTW, I too had no hope that my opinion would sway this mind set. But, I spoke my mind, peacefully and did so as commonsense sportsman. MTG
I'm sure he lives in Denver to partake of the herb.....I remember working in a redwood sawmill in CA and having protesters all around wanting us to stop logging. Then you take a peak at the San Fran newspaper want adds and you could get a job for 40k and a 401k just to protest. that was more money than I was making busting my butt everyday to take care of my family.
I normally avoid signature gatherers. I have a general problem with the ballot initiatives bypassing the legislative process. I know it's part of it in MT - and has been used wisely - but I won't sign any petition until I have had a chance to do real research on the subject. I don't want to hear someone's 30 second blurb about why I should sign it, especially if I'm carrying a kid or 2 around and need to get somewhere.

But, I make an exception when it's the 'Trapping Ban' folks. I don't get argumentative, I listen to their "blurb" and then I tie up their time as much as I can. I've spent 30 minutes chatting with some of these folks. I figure the more time they spend with me the less time they have to gather signatures. They're not going to change my mind, I won't change theirs - but I like to watch them squirm.
rancho, good analogy.

How about having a ballot initiative only pass with a "super majority" of voters.... all I can do is think about the last one(I-161) and how it went...and all the unintended consequences (which I warned of :)).... the initiative process is a poor way to manage anything, as people vote emotion and perceived ideas rather than using common sense(which from what I see is pretty much bred out of mankind, especially west of the divide..

I am certain to be enjoying the hypocrisy of some.:)
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