Elk sheds yet?

Had to work today, but that's ok.

Just raghorns packing these days. Saw the lower left bull shed his second antler, but it's still on the hill. Two of these bulls are growing main beam above their seconds.


Stumbled across some other ones, though...

Screw all of you. I hiked ANOTHER 6 miles today and didn't find a freakin' thing. Guess I'm stuck sticking an arrow in a live one. I give up. Back to fishing.

What do you do with all these amazing sheds you find? Make stuff, sell them, or just have piles in garage?


Just have piles in the garage until I sell them. Sometimes high grade a few of the better ones out before selling. There are a few I won't sell.
Found a few at work today.

Raghorns are rarely this accommodating. I saw this bull three times this spring, the last being on Saturday.


I have photos of this bull on 2-15 and 3-29. He was just a 5 on the other side.


The obligatory CrewCab photo:

Remember this photo?


Found a few today, including these three. The first two are off of the bull in back, above.
Almost as good as Dink's set:



Not sure where this one came from, but there were two other bulls out of the frame that I didn't get a photo of. This was just a couple hundred yards away from the first two.

Not a single shed at work today. :mad: Heck with it...I'm taking tomorrow off and trekking into the Super Secret Spot (SSS). It's going to be dawn to dusk, feast or famine...hero or zero?

Wish me luck. That place would kill an average shed hunter. ;)
Not a single shed at work today. :mad: Heck with it...I'm taking tomorrow off and trekking into the Super Secret Spot (SSS). It's going to be dawn to dusk, feast or famine...hero or zero?

Wish me luck. That place would kill an average shed hunter. ;)

Good luck and thanks for posting your shed pics (unlike dinkshooter who is just posting crap). Helping me get motivated for spring shed hunting, which in AK is still 3 weeks away.....

I'm guessing 19 sheds....
Not a single shed at work today. :mad: Heck with it...I'm taking tomorrow off and trekking into the Super Secret Spot (SSS). It's going to be dawn to dusk, feast or famine...hero or zero?

Wish me luck. That place would kill an average shed hunter. ;)

translation; pics coming;)
Go get em' Oak!
You've damned near paid for a hunt already this year with all that bone.
...hero or zero?

Hmm, somewhere in between.

Woke up to fresh snow in my SSS. Bummer. Decided to go anyway. At the end of the day, the GPS said I'd hiked 12.2 miles, with 3102' of elevation gain.

Of course, I found this on the way up the hill:


Here's what I was faced with when I got into "the zone". Not good shedding conditions:


First find in the snow:


Second find, about 50 yards away:


White ones were hard to see. Real quality here:


Not sure why I didn't take an ATH of this one (as they hang). Someone's sloppy seconds. I'm not too proud:


Snow finally started melting, so I swung through the area where I had been in the morning. Good thing...look at this quality:


Then a little better:


Then the match to the first one in the snow:


More real quality:


Found this one and decided it was time to leave, before I found more crap to pack out:


Nice sight:


Finally in the truck. The best sight:
