Then every once in a while reality is even better than fantasy.
I remember several years ago getting a phone call from my buddy Brian from Montana...seems he'd arrowed a "real nice bull, I'm guessing around 320".
I thought that was pretty cool, as an honest 320 bull is a great bull with a bow.
I was floored when I got the pictures in an email...good grief, I sure wish I could find "about a 320 bull" like that. I mean he does have rather short mains, but his 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's, and 5's arent bad...of course if it had some mass that would help. The split 2 doesnt suck either.
BTW, officially scored 372 gross and 360 and change net...not bad for a 320 bull.
my friend matt ( not the friend with the magic tape)found this bull dead when he was on his sheep hunt in northern wyoming last year..not sure of the score anyone got a good guess.
That's my older brother taking a reed out of his mouth. Back in our skinnier days Betcha can't get close on the score on those monsters. Maybe if you add up both of mine they might equal Hungerford's bull.
hungerford, nice bull on your first archery elk, one to be proud of...........
HOLY CHIT on that dead find for your buddy..............looking like a 380+ bull to me based on the pics. WOW, what a find.