Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Elk Photos

Little Song I changed around this fall when I only made the contents page of P&Y :rolleyes: Evidently Greenhorn can't use it.

But the thrill we've never known
Is the thrill that'll get you when you get your picture
On the cover of the Pope and Young
Pope and Young
Wanna see my picture on the cover
Pope and Young
Wanna buy five copies for my mother
Pope and Young
Wanna see my smilin' face

On the cover of the Pope and Young

love it. :D
One time at elk camp...........I was taken over by the spirit of G. E.


Everybody has a 370 Montana bull..... I've only made it there once but I got a 370 bull from there :


It officially scored 312 so I had my dad score it again and he got 370 ;)
2007 was pretty good too looking back through pics..... Neither a 370 bull Even with my buddies scoring them ....:mad: :mad:

Wyoming :


Utah :

Same zip code as Oaks bull. Tine length killed him, but that big bodied sucker beat me up. Took me 4 hours to get him broke down by myself. I could not carry both boned in front shoulders at the same time.

Found this picture today. When I first glassed this bull up I blurted out 330. One hour later when I had my friend and the bull in the spotter view at the same time I had adjusted accordingly. Not a bad day in Coloradie

Does anyone else shake uncontrollably when you watch your buddy through the spotter or binos put the smack down? I can hardly hold the binos steady. I love watching that.:hump:

This elk made me look like a world champion caller. From bugle to dead elk was about 35 seconds. He turned around and ran 100 yards or so right into my brother. Primos had nothing on me that day:D

I just want to know if I can get the "magic" tape for him. First bull, so what am I complaining about! :D


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i am sure if you guys ask really nice i could get the magic tape for you makes everyones bull bigger just ask my buddy...:D

You have thick skin and good sense of humor. Many guys certainly wouldn't have posted again after taking a little heat.

I can always use a magic tape if your willing to rent it out! I rarely have the patience to hold out for trophies like a lot of the guys on this site. Take care.
well i was sticking up for a buddy and the info he gave me was wrong and it just took a few pics of real 380 bulls for me to realize he was full of crap.:D no worries and the tape is always for rent.........
I think you should enact revenge on your buddy and his dad by posting more pictures of their elks, with the unoffical scores they give you... i'm sure some great bulls and some even more impressive numbers.
Where's Waldo?

I agree.

And as a side note, here is a bull pic I just stole from MM. Sweet bull, pretty cool a chick shot it but man......................13 people in the photo:eek::D

Not sure even Mossback can beat those numbers.


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