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Elk Photos

Colorado Bulls

Here are a few from Colorado

My 2006 bull

My 2005 bull

My brothers 2004 bull

My friends 2007 bull

Another friends 2004 bull

Me with another friends 2006 bull
Very nice pics of elk guys. Here are a few from the last couple of years.


Wife's first elk.



Keep 'em coming boys.... This is a great thread.
Jumped 3 bulls on opening AM, 2 ran off, this one hung around... as he had a broken front leg (it was actually missing from the knee down). Even better than removing a cripple from the forest was walking the first load (with antlers) by the douch-bag outfitter's wall tent, only a quarter mile from where the bull was taken. The particular outfitter is well known for messing with the average guys back in those parts.. "Find somewhere else to hunt" he yelled at me once... again, while packing a set of antlers off the mountain, above another one of his camps.. :D
Awesome elk everyone! :)

Greenhorn I have never seen so many giant bulls. You are truly amazing.

noharleyyet, thanks!
Jumped 3 bulls on opening AM, 2 ran off, this one hung around... as he had a broken front leg (it was actually missing from the knee down). Even better than removing a cripple from the forest was walking the first load (with antlers) by the douch-bag outfitter's wall tent, only a quarter mile from where the bull was taken. The particular outfitter is well known for messing with the average guys back in those parts.. "Find somewhere else to hunt" he yelled at me once... again, while packing a set of antlers off the mountain, above another one of his camps.. :D

He is a peach isn't he? I almost applied for a guiding job with him just out of high school for $80 a day. Didn't take me long to snap back to reality and realize I could make way more if I just kept cutting lawns.
I've ran into his excellent guides a number of times.. can't see you working for that pot-smoking tool. And I suppose since we aren't naming names, Big Fin might be safe from legal threats..

Here's a field shot of the second bull, and another picture shortly before being yelled at by one of his minions. We rode the horses right through later that day for the meat.



There's an old overgrown logging road up there.. you're probably familiar. One morning we were walking it quickly about 30 minutes before shooting light during rifle season and ran into a guide and his 2 hunters.. When it was clear he was going to be passed by us, he got all pissy and wanted to know where we were going.. :D It didn't work. We shot a bull, they didn't.
Here's a better one, grossed in the 370s.

He stepped out at daylight and he was uphill from me. I shot, he ran uphill, crumpled, then slid to a stop, nearly at my feet. My elk season was about 2 minutes long that year.
Idaho bulls

I do live by moosie and idahobugler, Thats were I call home but Will hunt where ever and when ever I can!!!! :), Idahobugler cool pics and I cant wait to see all ur animals in person!! Moosie sure has killed some good bulls too!!


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This scrub is funny because of the story. I did nothing that summer but piss and moan cause I quit chewing Copehagen. I mean I barely left the house, I probably hadn't seen a elk in 3 months. A week before the season and friends are running around crazy looking for elk. They find them and spend the Friday night camped out by them. It was one of those storms that night, HOURS of hail, rain and lightning, they got drowned that night.

I rolled over in my toasty warm bed @ 4:00am that morning while the lighting lights up my bedroom. “Screw that, I don’t do OTC in the rain”. Never even get out of bed till late. I spend the day boiling a lope head.

Sunday I hit the trail at 6:30am sharp. I am taking this picture by 8:30am. Sometimes your friends don’t think the same things are funny:D

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dink, awesome picture of your Dad and the copenhagen bull story. My Dad quit smoking (35yr hardcore DIY habit) the week before his one and only elk hunt. This is how he packed out his bull, after falling off a horse and breaking his tailbone... he just had 4 other guys do it..
Now that is an awesome photo!

My Dad wouldn't even walk over to the bull for a photo.... I asked him if he could make it there, at the end of this clip .. :D

Dad only hunts when I make him. I had him apply for a late season Gardiner elk permit and he drew first time trying.. so I made him go. He's refused to apply ever since..

My brother and I got lucky one night and caught these 2 monsters:D heading to bed. Bummer was we were going to stay the night and didn't have the horses to help get them out. I forgot my cell phone so I had to walk all the way out just let my dad know we needed some help. Never leave your phone!

Greenie I haven't ran into any outfitters over on this side of that area. We did shoot a small 6x7 one year coming in from the other valley. There is another outfitter in there as well. We passed him all loaded up on the horses while he was heading in with a client. He wouldn't even look at us. I hate how they think they own the place.
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I get even with the old man every once and a while.

There are plenty of hunts the old man would not have done without some prodding.


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