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Dubya says we can't win!!

That has to be a kick in the 'nads to all the brave US Soldiers in Iraq.... Not having the support of the Commander in Chief has to make all of them question why they are in Iraq.

God Bless our Troops, and hope they are safe until after the election, when President Kerry will get them home.
I believe bush is talking about the terrorism everywhere not just the one we are fighting now in Iraq.

The war on terror is a war that will last our life time, The war on terror isnt Iraq only like somepeople think. its just a fact of life now.
Kinda like our cold war used to be. I am sure it was pulled out of context like everything else it.

That has to be a kick in the 'nads to all the brave US Soldiers in Iraq.... Not having the support of the Commander in Chief has to make all of them question why they are in Iraq.
What about the kick in the nads that you give them? You don't support what their doing over there either... Oh but thats the typical gunner double standard.
The men and women of our Armed Forces know that their commander in chief is behind them. I went to a send off of my Nephew's tank battalion, to the man not one word was said about what a terrible thing it was. They believe in this mission to Iraq. It really leaves a bad taste in my mouth to hear the crap that Ithaca and Gun come up with. I can't wait until my Nephew is back safe, but he will be at far more risk if Kerry is elected. As bad as Carter was for the Economy, Kerry will be for our security.
TSK.,Tsk.,tsk.......Gunner, and you chastise "Cheese" on his comprehension. Too bad you and Ithica are the one's who don't have a clue....ha, Ha, HA and a harty HA HA !!! :D :D :D

Sorry, but in this country, we all can now draw the line and distinction between all of us supporting the troops, but not the reason for the action.

AFter Viet Nam, we all learned you have to carefully explain that we support the troops, not the action. It is all good now...

And I am very impressed that you think my comments weigh more heavily than the President's comments. But I doubt it. I think the president flip-flopping on their chances of being successful has to be the bigger kick to the 'nads....

Sorry about the taste in your mouth, but after reading your comment about hunting "locals", I am sure you are quite used to having a bad taste in your mouth. You might look at the racial make up of the troops in Iraq, before you make comments like that.

Originally posted by DRAFTSTUD:
I passed on Elk in Colorado, but I bought my 14 yr. old son a tag. I will be vacationing with the wife and hunting Mule Deer. As for hunting the locals, since they said we could'nt bait with watermellons that has pretty much ruled that out! :D
Yeah....probably just my "comprehension".... OF course, that doesn't explain the WhiteHOuse trying to spin the comment, before it got reported to the troops over in Iraq.

President Bush yesterday sought to showcase an agenda to address the concerns of economically stressed Americans, but his campaign found itself forced to explain why he told a television interviewer earlier in the day that it might not be possible ever to "win" the war on terror.

The controversy confronted Bush as he was setting out on a three-day march to the Republican National Convention to claim his renomination with an acceptance speech Thursday night.

Questions about his remarks seemed likely to distract from his attempt to use the next several days as an opportunity to lay out an agenda for a second term.

Democrat John Kerry's campaign seized on Bush's comments made in an NBC interview. Citing the president's early statements pledging victory in the war against terror, the Kerry campaign declared that Bush "flip-flops on whether he can win the war on terror."

Bush and his surrogates frequently accuse Kerry of having flip-flopped on several issues during his two decades in the Senate, including votes relating to the war in Iraq.

The situation arose when NBC interviewer Matt Lauer asked Bush whether the war could be won. According to a transcript, Bush replied, "I don't think you can win it. But I think you can create conditions so that those who use terror as a tool are less acceptable in parts of the world."

Seizing on the opportunity, Kerry's running mate, Sen. John Edwards, said, "This is no time to declare defeat."
Gun, I don't hide my feelings and I joke around like everyone. But your the one who pulled the race card on this thread. When I went to that send off I saw lots of shades of color, but they were all shades of American! They were proud of what they were doing. And most were young men that had enlisted to save up the money for college, You and Mikey Moore would have people believe the world is coming to an end because of President Bush. This world recreates itself by force, regardless of who is in The White House. The war on terrorist was at the Olympics 30+ years ago and they have been here ever since, only a Fool would think that their time spent as President could stop it.
I didn't see where anyone declared defeat. I read it as stating a fact that terrorism may be with us forever. As long as there are people who believe it is proper to terrorize a population in order achieve their goals then terrorism will be with us.

The Kerry/Edwards ticket will have less chance of winning a war on terror then the Bush/Cheney administration. You cannot make France and Germany's feeling matter in U.S. security because they could care less if we are secure.

If John Edwards knows how to win the war on terror why hasn't he spelled out how and then used his time in the senate to further that goal? Kerry has done anything to win the war on terror either.

I'm sure everyone has their own interpretation of what Dubya actually meant (as if anyone could read his mind), but I still maintain that he wasn't very bright to make that comment. Look at all the controversy, doubt and criticism he stirred up! A leader doesn't express doubts about whether a war can be won, they inspire the troops with their positive attitude. That's why Dubya isn't too bright.

Maybe some of you Dubya defenders think he's a genius :D , but the fact is: He's not very bright.
No, Ithaca....he is not the sharpest pencil in the box, and talking from the hip is definitely not his forte......but, basically I feel he is an all right guy...of course he has his own agenda, but I believe he is closer to the American people that the alternative and will honestly do what is best for the nation as a whole....not what is specifically for his own political future. He may flip flop on what he says sometimes, but it's a flip-flop of the mouth....not the heart.

I agree that the way he made the comment was not very good but you know what it is the truth. The war on terrorism most likely will not be won in yours or my lifetime. Most definately will not be won in Pres. Bush's term nor in his successors term. The cold war took over 40 years to win. So if stating the truth gets him in trouble so be it.

I can tell you that rubbing shoulders with the men and women tasked with executing the war on terror they believe in President Bush. Many, not all but certainly a vast majority, of the troopers live in fear of a Democratic Administration because they saw what happened under Clinton. Michael Moore may have found 5 troops out of 145,000 who want John Kerry to win but that is an insignifcant number.

Was anyone else curious about what was said? Not what was reported to be said, but what the actual statements by the president were.

Here is what President Bush actually said in the interview with Matt Lauer:

Lauer: “You said to me a second ago, one of the things you'll lay out in your vision for the next four years is how to go about winning the war on terror. That phrase strikes me a little bit. Do you really think we can win this war on terror in the next four years?”

President Bush: “I have never said we can win it in four years.”

Lauer: “So I’m just saying can we win it? Do you see that?”

President Bush: “I don't think you can win it. But I think you can create conditions so that those who use terror as a tool are less acceptable in parts of the world –- let's put it that way. I have a two pronged strategy. On the one hand is to find them before they hurt us, and that's necessary. I’m telling you it's necessary. The country must never yield, must never show weakness [and] must continue to lead. To find al-Qaida affiliates who are hiding around the world and … harm us and bring ‘em to justice –- we're doing a good job of it. I mean we are dismantling the al-Qaidaas we knew it. The long-term strategy is to spread freedom and liberty, and that's really kind of an interesting debate. You know there's some who say well, ‘You know certain people can't self govern and accept, you know, a former democracy.’ I just strongly disagree with that. I believe that democracy can take hold in parts of the world that are now non-democratic and I think it's necessary in order to defeat the ideologies of hate. History has shown that it can work, that spreading liberty does work. After all, Japan is our close ally and my dad fought against the Japanese. Prime Minister Koizumi, is one of the closest collaborators I have in working to make the world a more peaceful place.”
Originally posted by DRAFTSTUD:
Gun, I don't hide my feelings and I joke around like everyone. But your the one who pulled the race card on this thread. When I went to that send off I saw lots of shades of color, but they were all shades of American! They were proud of what they were doing. And most were young men that had enlisted to save up the money for college,
I am glad that you saw no color at the send off, despite the fact the Army is 21% black. I am betting that 21% would not find your jokes about killing them in Lousiana to be terribly funny. Can you help the rest of us see what is so funny about your comments? :rolleyes:

"Blacks today account for 21 percent of the enlisted force."

African-Americans make up about 13 percent of young adults, so they are still somewhat over-represented in combat positions....

Interestingly, the military today seems to attract pugnacious whites and pragmatic blacks. Analysts have suggested that more young white men see the infantry as a way, in the words of one, to "play Rambo" from age 18 to 22, then go to college using military tuition benefits. In contrast, blacks often view the military as either a long-term career in itself, or as a way to get practical training for a civilian white-collar career.
And now today, after further review, Dubya is back to thinking we are winning the War On Terror. Despite the fact that 3x as many kids have been killed since "Mission Accomplished" with Dubya standing on the carrier in a flight suit... :rolleyes:
"Still somewhat over-represented in combat positions"
That's horrible!!! Where is Affimative Action??? What about the quotas??? The Military should be fined for hiring too many minority applicants!!! Damn Bush for drafting an unfair number of Blacks!!! And damn those larger than demographically balanced numbers of Black Soldiers for believing in their country and volunteering!!
You are right, due to the "Compassionate Conservative" not doing anything to provide opportunity to other than the richest 2% of the Nation...
Gun, What is so wrong with being in a High Tax Bracket, I have never understood why someone would want to drag down the people that make the companies, put their lifestyles on hold to build a company that gives jobs to those that need them. I call that inspiration.

Gunner's Quote:
And now today, after further review, Dubya is back to thinking we are winning the War On Terror. Despite the fact that 3x as many kids have been killed since "Mission Accomplished" with Dubya standing on the carrier in a flight suit...

Yes, we have had kids (American) killed, but what about the thousands of families that were being killed by Saddam and the Taliban along with Ben Laiden? Would a liberal like yourself let geneocide continue? Later, got to make a living!

Having a hard time finding the humour in your joke??? Which do you think 1/5 of the Vets would find most offensive, having a Commander in Chief conceding the futility of their efforts or having somebody in La. wanting to shoot them?

And if you are so worried about Genocide, what are you urging Dubya to do about Sudan? Or is it because there is no oil, or the people dieing are Black, that you see no need for Dubya to act???
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