Dubya says we can't win!!

"Listen, I should have made my point more clear about what I meant. What I meant was, was that this is not a conventional war. It is a different kind of war," the president said on Limbaugh's nationally syndicated radio program. "I probably needed to be a little more articulate."
Well, I hate to admit it but HERE I agree with Dubya!! This is not a conventional war, it's genicide. Taliban leaders have always declared this to be a "Holy War" in which there can only be one resolution.....the complete erradication of one faction or the other.
So why then are we fighting in Iraq under conventional tactics, pouring money and and American blood into the sand of a nation that at best sees us as "the new english dictatorship"??
$60 Bil for reporations?? Like the poor "victims" that just left the shrine?? The dictator we went in after has fallen. It's time to tell the UN to get off their ass and set up a lockdown on borders until the new government is firmly in place. You cannot defeat fanaticism, only destroy it.

The Taliban gave aid, comfort and santuary to Bin Laden and his cadre of Al Qaeda leaders. Have you spent much time studying what the goals of radical Islam are? They want to eliminate our way of life because of what they see as the evils of our free system.

The term Crusade was used by Pres. Bush and that was unfortunate but what would you call it? The war that was brought to our shores on 9/11 was not a war we chose. Striking Iraq does and continues to make sense from a strategic point of view. While no fly zones and economic sanctions could have more cheaply kept Saddam in check he still would be in power and attempting to gain weapons. Plus we need to project our power into the region so it makes a good deal of sense.
Now we have a base with a long border with Iran which most likely has and continues to be a threat to us and it's neighbors. I don't think we will have to invade Iran they will get the message loud and clear.

Preemption is an acceptable form of defense. Again I would ask you visit with the people in the military have to do the nasty work of this war. They believe in what they are doing. It is a tragedy that 1,000 families will not have a love one return but it is still a miracle, as well as a testment to our military, the number is so low.

I think your hatred of the Bush administration has blinded you to some things that he is doing right. I believe Kerry would be much worse. He would sell out our country in order to appease the Europeans who hate our country and what it stands for.

I listened to President Bush today, what he said made perfect sense to me. But, I am not looking for every little thing I can find to try and make him look bad.
I really think those doing so are making themselves look like fools.
What do you call a Triple Flip-Flop??? :rolleyes:
This president has gone from mission accomplished to mission miscalculated to mission impossible on the war on terror,'' Phil Singer said in a statement. ``We need a leader who knows we can win the war on terror and has a plan to do it.''
What do you call a Triple Flip-Flop???

I think Michael meant he just ignores the facts, and believes what he wants...
Nut, No. I think he was saying that there won't be a traditional victory with a peace treaty and such.
fighting against terrorists is a completly different ball game with a whole different set of rules.
I think President Bush isn't the best speaker and sometimes says things that the left have a field day spinning and twisting.

I do believe that he has a vision and that he sticks to his guns. And speaking from the heart, even if it sometimes comes off differently than intended, is alot better than having a puppet that has every word scripted.
The other thing he says that I really like.......
And I Quote
"the best thing that americans can do is Pray"
A quick Question.
Has Senator Kerry put forth any kind of plan on fighting terror?
Actually he alluded to the fact that he would pull out a bunch of troops from Iraq within the first six months of his administration, so in effect he will pursue the same avenue he took in Vietnam. When he see's an opportunity to cut and run he will take it.
its funny how 500 people can listen to the exact same thing and you will get 3 different takes on it.

those that agree
those that dont
those that like to read more into it
those that have no clue to what was being talked about.

Originally posted by ElkGunner:

Slow down.... back up.....

When did the Taliban ever go to Iraq??? And wasn't it Dubya who called it a "Crusade"?
You have heard of insurgents, right?? The Taliban are responsible for training and recruiting of fanatics throughout the world, organizing cells, financing, and etc...
As Newmont pointed out, "A bad choice of words." and ones that the WORLD heard loud and clear.
Now I understand Dubya wasn't using the Crayolas to design this offensive but DAMN even I know if you leave the front door open trash WILL fly in!!
Other than a major protection convoy for Halliburton equipment and personnel, I saw little or no enforcement of boundaries. Yes, the navy did capture one ship outgoing with oil. yeah.
So our C&C authorized this fiasco?? 4 more years of this crap and FRANCE will attack us!!
Again, it's not a conventional war. Why are we using conventional tactics?? Couldn't possibly be Cheney's influence could it?? Nah, no AMERICAN leader would ever put men in harms way for the buck!!


Sloooooooow down.....

The Taliban was not the same as Al-Quaida. They just allowed Al-Quaida to operate, so Dubya took them down. And that was good.

IF you remember the history, it was Al-Quaida that attacked the WTC, not Saddam. The War on Terror would be the War on the TErrorists. And unfortunately, we aren't capturing Bin Laden very fast. In fact, we are spending more time and energy trying to fix the "catastorphic success" that is Iraq.

Look at the Newspapers, do you see any articles from Afghanastan? Look at Dubya's speeches. Bin Laden is an after-thought.

If he was serious about the War on Terror, we would have people in Yemen, Indoneisia, Pakistan, Chechnya, Morrocco, etc.. etc.. taking out these cells. But instead, we have people in Nafja, shooting people inside of church.

Are you not able/willing to separate the War on Terror with the Invasion of Iraq?

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