Doubt this will impact agencies...

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I am wondering where he gets the authority to authorize a buy out? Pretty positive congressional action authorizes money, not executive orders.

He doesn’t.

James Madison:

“The purse is in the hands of the representatives of the people. “They have the appropriation of all moneys.”

“Separate and distinct exercise of the different powers of government, which to a certain extent, is admitted on all hands to be essential to the preservation of liberty.”

Alexander Hamilton:

We have heard a great deal of the sword and the purse. Let us see what is the true meaning of this maxim, which has been so much used, and so little understood. It is, that you shall not place these powers either in the legislative or executive, singly; neither one nor the other shall have both, because this would destroy that division of powers on which political liberty is founded, and would furnish one body with all the means of tyranny. But where the purse is lodged in one branch, and the sword in another, there can be no danger.

But I digress, this administration seems to care little for norms or the constitution.
The people who are not working and have no prospects of outside GOV employment are digging and looking to fight via merit protection.

What a dipshit response.

I took a massive paycut out of the private sector to my current gov postion. Because everyday I get to work in the field of Native Tallgrass Prairie restoration.

Where everyday I feel like I am able to give something tangible back to the ecosystem I grew up in and love so much.

Have been offered 3 jobs back into the private sector since I started. But I finally figured out chasing the dollar is not the end all, and when my ashes are blowing with the wind across the Tallgrass. My soul will know at least I tried to leave a lasting impact.
The widespread disdain for federal employees is disheartening. There is a lot of very valuable conservation work done every day by federal employees.

Sounds like drywallers before everyone went to college.
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It is. Never truly felt it until now. A strong backbone, a sense of pride, know I work my ass off, and a big middle finger to the haters helps.
You've never felt it until now? Wish I could relate. I constantly felt the difference in perception from when I worked for a nonprofit (and now university) compared to similar work for the federal government. Anecdotal of course, but it was a pretty consistent pattern.
It is. Never truly felt it until now. A strong backbone, a sense of pride, know I work my ass off, and a big middle finger to the haters helps.
I love my job, and people pay a lot of lip service to valuing the resource I bust my ass to conserve and protect. But between antagonistic politicians that actively try to undermine our work, and the unappreciative public that thinks I’m a lazy POS based on nothing other than who I work for, I can’t wait to be done with it. It takes too much of a mental toll.

At the end of the day, if the public chooses leaders that want to burn the resource to the ground, who am I to argue?
You've never felt it until now? Wish I could relate. I constantly felt the difference in perception from when I worked for a nonprofit (and now university) compared to similar work for the federal government. Anecdotal of course, but it was a pretty consistent pattern.

I didn’t. I worked seasonally for 15 years for an agency and a job most people respected.

After I had kids I took a break and built homes and log cabins. Then took a job in the non profit sector for a few years.

Just got hired back by the Feds for a permanent “dream job”. Now I’m in a probationary period and not sure what the hell is going on.
I didn’t. I worked seasonally for 15 years for an agency and a job most people respected.

After I had kids I took a break and built homes and log cabins. Then took a job in the non profit sector for a few years.

Just got hired back by the Feds for a permanent “dream job”. Now I’m in a probationary period and not sure what the hell is going on.
I can tell you nothing good if you're on a probationary period.

I would dust off the resume and keep it handy.

The administration asked for a comprehensive list of employees on probationary periods, that wasn't to congratulate new hires, I can assure you.
I can tell you nothing good if you're on a probationary period.

I would dust off the resume and keep it handy.

The administration asked for a comprehensive list of employees on probationary periods, that wasn't to congratulate new hires, I can assure you.

I’m fully aware. The resume has no dust. My family and I are in constant discussions of what might come next.
I’m fully aware. The resume has no dust. My family and I are in constant discussions of what might come next.
But, on a positive note.

I've been a local Union President and Leg Chair for the FSC for the past 15+ years.

We usually struggle to sign up 3-4 dues paying members a year. Our local has a very powerful exec board and officers.

In the past 48 hours we've processed 12 new dues paying members. I suspect that number will increase over the next days and weeks.

I've waited a career to see this kind of solidarity in the Federal work force.

As stressful as it is, it's also pretty exciting. Nothing drives Union membership more than crap management. Best recruiting tool on the planet.

Hang in there and know you aren't alone and some great folks have your back.
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