
Doubt this will impact agencies...

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Back in the "olden days" when I worked for the Forest Service for 35+ years, people would joke about taking a buyout if one was offered. If buyout authority was granted to the FS, the Forest Supervisor/Regional Forester would have to agree on positions that were eligible for the buyout and those positions would be abolished, usually at the Regional Office level. Rarely happened on Ranger Districts, due to work targets attached to funding. I can't speak for other agencies, but blanket buyout authority in the land management agencies doesn't make much sense. Unless you're trying to make them even less efficient in order to justify turning public lands into the state of Deseret. Kind of like the doc giving you a vasectomy with a 12 gauge. A little more precision would be appreciated.
Statistically, 50% of the US population is ~100 IQ or below. Let that sink in....

That can be demoralizing if you let it, but I’ve always viewed this in a positive light:

Really, it means if you aren’t an idiot, work hard and give a s$&@, you are all but guaranteed to be somewhat successful.
Half of Bozeman is working remotely.
The outside experience has been ruined during weekdays.😉
Great point! So many of the folks I know that “work remotely” hunt, fish, ski, dick off, half of the day while getting paid. No employer whether govt or private will put up with that shit forever.
For sure, there are jobs that working remotely is suited for. Usually, they’re the ones that existed before Covid and they’re still practical. But many of them are absolutely hosing their employers.
What so your neighbor did this? Your kid? Well sorry bub but taking a page out of MT FWP here but that is what is called an anecdotal observation. You got chit…nothing…nada. Hit me with your data if you got any
Well I am certain that Bezos, Musk, Cook, Trump are all smarter than me. All their workers were ordered back to work. My company is a very large company and our production, meetings, morale, collaboration on projects all went up when we sent all the workers back in the office.
Great point! So many of the folks I know that “work remotely” hunt, fish, ski, dick off, half of the day while getting paid. No employer whether govt or private will put up with that shit forever.
For sure, there are jobs that working remotely is suited for. Usually, they’re the ones that existed before Covid and they’re still practical. But many of them are absolutely hosing their employers.
Nice application of orange tinged stereotype!

Many remote workers have to be logged in to something and their employees can easily see if they aren't working.

And studies have shown many are more productive than they are in the office. Less water cooler meetings, for one thing.
Well I am certain that Bezos, Musk, Cook, Trump are all smarter than me. All their workers were ordered back to work. My company is a very large company and our production, meetings, morale, collaboration on projects all went up when we sent all the workers back in the office.
Lol you sure? Just saw open roles at amazon, remote. Apple still offers it via searching on linkedin
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