Doubt this will impact agencies...

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This challenges a common narrative promoted by some legislators, who argue that employees “working from home” are more likely to slack off without the direct supervision afforded by office settings. The data showed no such shirking — instead, it demonstrated that remote work can enhance efficiency without sacrificing quality.

Many similar research or assessment pieces out there.

One thing that is totally ignored by those blindly following the orange--fewer people in offices means much LESS money needs to be spent on offices! Simple right? But totally ignored by some.

The cost savings can be huge. I know several government buildings in my state that have been able to rent space to others which helps to pay for the building and more. Net positive for taxpayers!

Sure there are some jobs where the worker works in teams that might be in question--but the logarithmic growth in video conferencing that you can now take part in from anywhere negates much of that issue. Which is another thing--remote meetings means less cars are needed, less time is wasted driving to and from meeting (I used to average a day or twos worth of driving a week, now it;s not even that in some months), again saving money.

Just another thing where a scalpel is needed, the use of a sledgehammer shows ignorance and is counterproductive economically!
I don't know much about the research as I have not looked this up, but I can comment on practical experience. I run a completely remote team of managers. When remote work started; some folks in my company who were not acquainted with this model were struggling with this concept. We had to retrain all the managers to be more effective in how they accomplish their objectives under this system. Most of them were honestly lost on how to lead through this type of situation and resorted to blaming every short fall on lazy employees.

Their approach to employee supervision was flawed. They were used to and wanted to verify who was logged into teams and at what time like it was a time clock. They were basing their opinions of a person's work based on clock in or outs. I don't know that I can blame them, they probably all were taught by limited life experience that supervision meant that people had to be monitored to keep working on a job.

Instead of that, I give my team achievable objectives (they sometimes don't think this is an accurate statement :)), and a deadline to meet those objectives. I don't monitor their time except to ensure that they are meeting with our partners as prescribed. I manage the situation and the objective rather than their time. If they don't put in enough time to accomplish the task i address it (that's leadership). They have the freedom to do what they need to do and set their schedules in order to accomplish the objective. I get that this may not work for every task as some folks will need to coordinate on site job tasks with other teams or assembly type of manufacturing or customer facing retail work but it definitely works with white or simi-white color jobs.

If they want to work half days it's okay, I don't care which 12 hours of the day they work:)
Everyone back to the office! Except for the 300k of you who we're going to keep paying for 8 months. You guys can stay at home and do nothing.

View attachment 358925
Another rule, if people leave, particularly if they are fired, immediately cut off access to the computer system. Also, for those that take it, I would ensure it is a lump sum. I would't trust this shitshow of an admin to pay every two weeks if they doubled the amount.
Another rule, if people leave, particularly if they are fired, immediately cut off access to the computer system. Also, for those that take it, I would ensure it is a lump sum. I would't trust this shitshow of an admin to pay every two weeks if they doubled the amount.
Its not exactly trump corp running the place - its still a government.

It wont stand 5 seconds in court. Its irrational.
Another rule, if people leave, particularly if they are fired, immediately cut off access to the computer system. Also, for those that take it, I would ensure it is a lump sum. I would't trust this shitshow of an admin to pay every two weeks if they doubled the amount.
Well now, it's pretty easy to save files from a work to a home machine, put them on a memory stick, etc. these days. Cutting off the computer is normal but i don't think it accomplishes what you think it does. Not saying I know someone or people that have done this...nothing involving proprietary info or info that would not be for public consumption--if the public asked...
Lol wut?

How the F are they not going to pay people.

Straight off a .gov website??


January 29, 2025
Contact: Matt Dorsey
(202) 550-6987

NFFE Tells Feds: Don’t Fall for the Trump Quitting Scam

Washington, D.C. – Today, the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE-IAM) is responding to a mysterious and anonymous email sent to federal workers from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regarding a “deferred resignation” offer. The offer from OPM gives employees until February 6th to accept a deferred resignation that essentially places employees on administrative leave until a final termination date of September 30th.

“Unlike structured programs that the federal government offered in the past to decrease the number of federal employees, this maneuver is intended to panic civil servants into accepting what seems like a sweet deal but is probably a scam,” said NFFE National President Randy Erwin. “The offer is a scare tactic designed to pressure federal workers into quitting while promising under an illegal and unenforceable agreement to pay them until October. NFFE strongly urges our members and all federal employees to reject this offer. If employees accept it, they forfeit their due process rights and may forfeit any pay beyond their acceptance date.

“This abuse of power is meant to replace nonpartisan civil servants with political operatives loyal to the Trump Administration. We saw the Project 2025 playbook implemented starting on Day One; many of the initiatives contained therein are designed to evade or disregard federal laws and regulations. This administration does not fear accountability from the courts, Congress, or the American people.

“This administration and its controlling interests, like Elon Musk, count on civil servants to leave or submit to political pressure and corruption. I encourage every federal employee to stay steadfast in their commitment to serve their country in a civilian capacity. The United States needs you more than ever within its ranks to fight against corruption and political exploitation. I promise you that you are not alone if you remain on the job, fulfilling your oath to support and defend the Constitution and our American democracy, which must prevail.”

# # #​
He doesn’t.

James Madison:

“The purse is in the hands of the representatives of the people. “They have the appropriation of all moneys.”

“Separate and distinct exercise of the different powers of government, which to a certain extent, is admitted on all hands to be essential to the preservation of liberty.”

Alexander Hamilton:

We have heard a great deal of the sword and the purse. Let us see what is the true meaning of this maxim, which has been so much used, and so little understood. It is, that you shall not place these powers either in the legislative or executive, singly; neither one nor the other shall have both, because this would destroy that division of powers on which political liberty is founded, and would furnish one body with all the means of tyranny. But where the purse is lodged in one branch, and the sword in another, there can be no danger.

But I digress, this administration seems to care little for norms or the constitution.
Finally someone understands american civics and implications
I wonder if there will be more openings in ICE for anyone wanting to work for the feds?
If they are to do what donald wants them to do, they would need more and more people. I'm sure that the activities of ICE will attract all the "best type" of people to apply. It will become beholden to long term ICE employees to ensure that only lawful orders are followed and appropriate standards are kept when executing those orders and hiring new personnel. It seems like history has seen this type of event before. ICE could be in danger of becoming a paramilitary unit loyal to one person and not the constitution if they are not careful.
Happens in the corporate world too. It’s why we have performance reviews and employee ratings.

There are people that would be bad employees irregardless of the employers. Others are in the wrong place for the skill set.
IME, as a retired federal gov't employee (VA mental health therapist), the annual review process was just another administrative boondoggle that did not reward excellence, did reward those more interested in paperwork than helping veterans, and was used as a tool to further political agendas. Refusing to imagine what that process will look like for any federal employee under Trump. Thank you for your service and sacrifice, you and your families deserve far better.
If they are to do what donald wants them to do, they would need more and more people. I'm sure that the activities of ICE will attract all the "best type" of people to apply. It will become beholden to long term ICE employees to ensure that only lawful orders are followed and appropriate standards are kept when executing those orders and hiring new personnel. It seems like history has seen this type of event before. ICE could be in danger of becoming a paramilitary unit loyal to one person and not the constitution if they are not careful.
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