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Double-tapping with a .243 vs one shot with 30-06?

What do you think is an appropriate lead free bullet for hunting in California? I was very disappointed with the performance of a Winchester "Copper Impact" 30-06 on a ram I shot last weekend, took multiple shots to the chest with the 30-06, and then some more finishing shots from a sidearm to finally take it down.
Post image of ram you killed last week.
Copper bullets stay together and very well may pass through without much expansion if it just hits tissue. I shoot an LRX out of both my .30 Nosler and 6.5-300. They are flying way faster than your 30-06. I specifically switched to the LRX on my Nosler .30 because I want to be able to hit an apposing shoulder and break it down much like a bear ( front shoulder). Shot a cow two years ago in the chest at 35 yards. Bullet stopped at rear hind quarter.

Maybe try and LRX or different brand.?
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