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Democrats, Republicans court wily Montana hunters

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Any freedom-loving, hunter/shooter in this country that votes democRAT is a hypocrite pure and simple. They are always against guns, hunting and any other true American pursuit.
Any freedom-loving, hunter/shooter in this country that votes democRAT is a hypocrite pure and simple. They are always against guns, hunting and any other true American pursuit.

and we're off..........
Any freedom-loving, hunter/shooter in this country that votes democRAT is a hypocrite pure and simple. They are always against guns, hunting and any other true American pursuit.

I understand the sentiment, but I don't think this bears out in reality.

H.R. 1505 would turn a 100 mile wide band over to the Department of Homeland Security, eroding all access laws and conservation on both the Northern and Southern end of the border. Republican sponsored

H.R. 4089 would eliminate Theodore Roosevelt's biggest legacy, the Antiquities Act, and open WIlderness Areas up for Motorized use - Republican Sponsored.

H.R. 1581 would eliminate the Roadless Area Conservation Rule, which protects about 5% of the remaining roadless land in the U.S. - Republican Sponsored.

Paul Ryan Budget, and GOP Platform call for selling public lands and turning our water and wildlife over to private entities.

G.H.W. Bush signed one of the largest gun bans in U.S. History

G.W. Bush vowed to sign the Assault Weapons ban if it came across his desk.

Anton Scalia says there are limits to the Second Amendment and that he's happy to look at cases that challenge the NRA's claims of unlimited ownership.

I'm not absolving the Democrats for their ridiculous stance on gun control, but when we take an objective look at both parties, especially after what we went through in MT in 2011 with out legislature, the old standard doesn't apply.
Ben, do you have a list of rediculous bills that were sponsored by MT R last legislative session? I thought you posted them somewhere, but can seem to find that list. thanks if you can....
I think there is a big difference between republicans and democrats based on big city (east & west coast) vs more rural areas (central plains).
Ben, do you have a list of rediculous bills that were sponsored by MT R last legislative session? I thought you posted them somewhere, but can seem to find that list. thanks if you can....

Here's the link to the Legislature's webpage that contains all 169 bills that were drafted/introduced for 2011. 110 bills were introduced:$BSRV.ActionQuery?P_SESS=20111&P_BLTP_BILL_TYP_CD=&P_BILL_NO=&P_BILL_DFT_NO=&P_CHPT_NO=&P_SBJT_SBJ_CD=FISH&P_ENTY_ID_SEQ=&Z_ACTION2=Find

Fish and wildlife bills had the highest number of bills requested and introduced. More than taxation, Jobs or Education.
Good point, WyOpitz!

Yeah, it always kills me when politicians strut around and try to portray themselves as hunters. Here are a few examples:

* Bill Clinton holding the hapless duck as if it were at rattlesnake
* John Kerry stumbling around hunting pheasants with a semi-automatic shotgun. Second ad shows him with an over/under, though. Obviously, one of his flaks reminded him that he had voted to ban semi-autos.
* John Tester posing with a bird dog and a Winchester Model 94 saddle rifle during the Montana senatorial campaign in 2008. (You don't hunt birds with a rifle, John.)
* Frankie Wilmer, Montana Democratic legislator and transplanted Maryland liberal who just about wore out a set of whitetail antlers from a buck she said she shot. This was during her campaign for the Montana State Legislature. (She won.)
*Mitt Romney who supposedly was hunting elk in Colorado and seemed not to know a moose from an elk

The hypocrisy drives me nuts, and is almost laughable if it weren't so pathetic.
Just paid $40 more this month than last month for my health insurance. There aint no way I'm voting to keep the same people in. They can all play Mr. Outdoors all they want but the increase in the price of my health insurance alone seals the deal for me.
Just paid $40 more this month than last month for my health insurance. There aint no way I'm voting to keep the same people in. They can all play Mr. Outdoors all they want but the increase in the price of my health insurance alone seals the deal for me.

I can finally get health insurance. So, there's that. ;)
Bunch of stinking politicians...they are all so much about having the power. They lie to get it. Take it away. Limit Government.
Just paid $40 more this month than last month for my health insurance. There aint no way I'm voting to keep the same people in. They can all play Mr. Outdoors all they want but the increase in the price of my health insurance alone seals the deal for me.

In my world a $40 a month increase is cause for rejoicing. Just wondering what the current crop of politicians did to increase your premiums? How much would they have went up without the ACA?

As much as it pains me to say it, it appears we need to thank the Democrats for delisting wolves, The wingnuts from Howling for Justice point this out

48 Democrats voted to delist . 15 Republican Senators voted against delisting vs
only three Democrats and 1 independent voting against.

Seems like it isn't just one side that id good for hunters.

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