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Montana Republican Primary

I know how contentious most political threads become, but I think every Montana hunter, angler and outdoor enthusiast owes it to themselves to listen to Randy's Interview with Tim Fox and Jon Knokey. https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/hu...BgdAWlfYF-Vy77Nn09blwqweLOcu05Y&autoplay=true

In my opinion, the Republican primary race holds far more significance for Montana hunters, anglers and outdoor recreationists than the general election does. I think there is a greater contrast between Gianforte and Tim Fox in the values they espouse and the positions they take that interface with our concerns as hunters than there is between Fox and the Democratic candidates.

With a new Elk management plan in the works and lingering sentiment to transfer federal land into state ownership, I hope hunters of all political affiliation step up to advance Tim Fox over Gianforte. The consequences of this primary will most likely affect Montana Wildlife management for years to come.
Great post. I'm glad that I read this. I had been thinking how pointless the Primary election was, but now I'm going to pass along to my friends how important it is that they vote for Tim Fox.
I know how contentious most political threads become, but I think every Montana hunter, angler and outdoor enthusiast owes it to themselves to listen to Randy's Interview with Tim Fox and Jon Knokey. https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/hu...BgdAWlfYF-Vy77Nn09blwqweLOcu05Y&autoplay=true

In my opinion, the Republican primary race holds far more significance for Montana hunters, anglers and outdoor recreationists than the general election does. I think there is a greater contrast between Gianforte and Tim Fox in the values they espouse and the positions they take that interface with our concerns as hunters than there is between Fox and the Democratic candidates.

With a new Elk management plan in the works and lingering sentiment to transfer federal land into state ownership, I hope hunters of all political affiliation step up to advance Tim Fox over Gianforte. The consequences of this primary will most likely affect Montana Wildlife management for years to come.
Hopefully, we all make an effort to reach out to friends, no matter what their political party, and try to persuade them to vote for Tim Fox. Also try to get them to pass the word around. Time is running out. I've sent messages to several people in the last hour, and called a couple of others.
I find this thread funny. I remember election day in MT when it was a redneck Dem day.Folks sayin', "Chuck Nixon!" LOL too funny.
So much for that, and I actually got Democrats to vote for Fox. One last chance now is to get Republicans to vote against Gianforte in the November election. Hopefully people can forget about the petty differences of politics and vote against this guy in November. If a politician does stuff that you don't like, you can vote him out next time around, but if he sells off public land, you won't ever get it back.
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