Montana Republican Primary

I'd like to see an actual ballot that doesn't make me want to hurl for a change.
Yes, I think the Republican ballot offers the option of voting for Tim Fox with earned and respectful support.

However, there are offices other than the Governorship with candidates who motivate me to vote in opposition just to voice my concern for them even to be on the general election ballot!
This is the Republican Primary thread and this relates as it would appear Cooney has the D slot in the bag. The national D's have to keep Bullock looking good for his run against Daines. Yet, Williams has taken an opposition approach towards her opponent, and Democrats in general, focused on our Governor.

D's really need to focus on what's best for Montana. Open Primaries. D, I, R, heck, if libertarians care for a quality R v D boxing match, get out and vote in the Republican Open Primary and push Gianforte off the curb. Vote for Fox.

I'd like to see an actual ballot that doesn't make me want to hurl for a change.

I'm wondering WHY it is on D's to focus on what is best for Montana. How about placing the onus on R's?? Their slate of candidates is chockfull of candidates that make me want to hurl. Choosing between Rosendale and Stapleton is a lose lose choice from my perspective.

Yes, Fox is a good man, far better than Gianforte, but Gianforte is where most Montana GOP voters are at. After all, they put him up for governor once, Congress, and will put him up for governor again.

We'll have to see how willing R's are to do what's best for Montana in November.
Open primaries allow Montanans to vote for who we'd best like to see on our ballot.

Montanans, not focused on their D or R sticker, are responsible. 😉

You might want to rephrase that.

The whole thread is about excluding some one from the November ballot.

Maybe, just maybe, there are candidates on the other ballot, that voters would like to try make certain make it to the November ballot.
(Why do newspapers let candidates say whatever they want and not fact check immediately after their lie?)
I wonder this all the time. Some statements are so easily refuted that I don't see how they are published. I felt the same way with Bishop's interview on MeatEater. I just ran into this on a land exchange issue in our local newspaper. I don't know if it's being lazy, being so completely uninformed as to have zero capacity for a gut check, or just no backbone figuring it's up to readers to sort out fact from fiction.
One reason is newspapers are going the way of the dinosaur. They don't have the revenue to have a full stable of reporters, editors,,, you name it.
Open primaries allow Montanans to vote for who we'd best like to see on our ballot.

Montanans, not focused on their D or R sticker, are responsible. 😉
I’m glad to see this thread, especially Kerry’s Facebook bout with Randy.

Without open primaries allowing independents to vote the party would be even farther to the right.

As you probably remember, Kerry White and the Gianforte types tried to close the primaries a few years ago and the solution caucus (moderate republicans) were able to stop it. I’m sick of the extremists and their agenda.
Can someone articulate Jura’s written views on stream access? All I remember was her writings considering it a taking.
Can someone articulate Jura’s written views on stream access? All I remember was her writings considering it a taking.

Page 99 here

I think a lot of her views are sort of deduced by reading between the lines, and the company she keeps.

Doesn’t seem like a stretch to me

This was a good letter to the editor from RD Marks. A republican, who I believe is the son of Bob Marks, the Republican who carried Montana’s original stream access bill with Bob Ream.

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Not a fan of this one... Particularly this, "small" increase... Until the next one and the next one... On and on...

I would support block management stamps for additional bma funding, etc... Though legislative taxation to cover what we already have such as State use, Conservation stamps, etc is, no go, imo.

Would you support a small increase in state taxes or fees in order to protect water, conserve wildlife habitat, and create more opportunities for outdoor recreation in Montana?
Not a fan of this one... Particularly this, "small" increase... Until the next one and the next one... On and on...

I would support block management stamps for additional bma funding, etc... Though legislative taxation to cover what we already have such as State use, Conservation stamps, etc is, no go, imo.

What if the taxes were a backpack tax?
What if the taxes were a backpack tax?
Ya, I remember...

Imo, boating, packing, etc. Any Fish, Wildlife, & Parks activities should pay for the license to use such.

We have a State Lands use "stamp" to offset expenses and enhance the experience. Same with this.
We have OHV license/ permits...

Though State tax, personally not interested.
I was more getting at the lack of corresponding fundraising from the non-consumptive users.

I don’t think that’s what this question was referring to and really haven’t heard of any legislation that the question would be referencing.
Not a fan of this one... Particularly this, "small" increase... Until the next one and the next one... On and on...

I would support block management stamps for additional bma funding, etc... Though legislative taxation to cover what we already have such as State use, Conservation stamps, etc is, no go, imo.
Different state, different situation but our .008% sales tax has worked pretty well to help fund what we enjoy in Missouri. Hasn't changed here since the 70s, and the only complaints I generally see are from news outlets in KC and STL. If you could trust your politicians (well, that may be difficult) to come up with something a little different since you don't pay sales tax in MT and let it be, that could potentially be a boon for your state.

Edit: Wow, some of the endorsers on your candidates are way out of left (and right) field.
Anyone care to share some insights on who the most wildlife friendly down ballot choices are?

In the GOP primary for Attorney General, that would be Jon Bennion. His opponent, Austin Knutsen, is a transfer advocate & has even shut down access to a Veteran's Park in Culbertson. AS a legislator, he was consistently voting against wildlife & resident hunters, and as Speaker, he was partially responsible for trying to advance the transfer movement in 2015. Raph Graybill (Dem) is the guy who fought back against the attempts to shut down conservation easements under Habitat Montana led by Rosendale, Artnzen & Stapleton, and he was lead counsel against Fox's team on the AG opinion on Habitat MT easements. Kim Dudik (Dem) has been a staunch supporter of wildlife & resident hunters her entire career as a legislator. Both would be great land board members and Bennion would be good as well.

Superintendent of Public Instruction: Melissa Romano (Dem) is strong on the side of wildlife conservation. Her opponent is the current Superintendent, who has been part of the "Three Amigo's" who hav worked to politicize & weaponize their position on the Land Board, and shut down easements & fee title purchases as well as try to run FWP from their land board seats.

Secretary of State: It's a crowded field on the right, with only Brad Johnson having a record on land board issues, where he was fairly good, IIRC, but as chair of PSC, he's led a circus for over 2 years. Bryce Bennet out of Missoula was always there for us to vote on wildlife and resident issues, and is a strong supporter of public lands.

State Auditor: The republicans are running a poacher, someone pinched for insurance fraud & someone else I don't know. On the left is Shane Morigeau, who has been a strong ally on sportsman's issues and wildlife conservation, and used to be the lobbyist for the CSKT. He's also a huge public land hunter & power lifts enough to carry a bison on his back.
Another great LTE, this time from Republican Bob Brown.

"There’s no escaping that we’re living right at a turning point in American history.
This Republican primary is not just about public lands, or about the political philosophies of these two Montana candidates. It is about deciding who the party leaders should be and, by extension, what the character of the Republican Party will be for years to come."

I happily mailed in my absentee ballot last week in support of Tim Fox. I hope the momentum I feel his candidacy has is not just a filter of the information that gets to me, but is a real thing.
I happily mailed in my absentee ballot last week in support of Tim Fox.
Ditto. My ballot is off to the races as of last week. Let's hope enough Independent voters enter the Open Primaries and complete the R selection for Fox as well and the Democrats interested in Montana over the D label. Cooney has the D ticket. His opponent attacking Bullock, sealed her fate.

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